Key insight

The most important aspect identified when looking for a job is basic conditions in the workplace, including safety and wellbeing, followed by pay, benefits, training and development, and opportunities for career progression. Around one in five people do not believe that a short commute time or flexibility in the workplace are important to them.

More insights

Considerations for future jobs

When thinking about future job creation, the clear priorities for Australians are more jobs overall to reduce unemployment and more permanent jobs to reduce job insecurity. These top priorities generally hold across different age groups, locations (urban, regional and remote) and financial status.

The poll results also show that those working part-time, casual and facing difficulties on current incomes place a greater priority on higher wages than the general population.

Seemingly at odds with concerns about the impact of technology on jobs, respondents to this poll are widely accepting of new technology in the workplace – 71 per cent would welcome technology that helped them to do their job. Only 12 per cent are concerned that technology would replace them.