In 2020, CEDA's research agenda will explore unlocking data in the public interest, release the second Community Pulse nationwide survey, discuss the skills mismatch in the permanent migration system, and release the second report in our series on disadvantage.
Technology and data | Institutions
This report will evaluate how to facilitate greater sharing and access to data, with a view to maximising the benefits to the economy and consumers.
Technology and data | Workforce | Population | Critical services | Institutions
Community Pulse 2020 will build on the 2018 survey providing an opportunity to analyse trends over time and how that correlates to economic and policy settings during the past two years.
Workforce | Population
CEDA’s 2019 report, the
Effects of Temporary Migration, looked at Australia’s temporary skilled migration system and the effects of recent migrants on local workers. CEDA’s second report takes a different angle – how does the permanent migration system impact on migrants and the jobs that they work in?
Disrupting disadvantage
Workforce | Institutions | Critical services
In 2020, CEDA will release the second report in our series on entrenched disadvantage.