See all the latest keynote speakers and sessions from State of the Nation 2016.

Running for over 35 years, CEDA's State of the Nation provides a day and a half of briefings and discussions of topics and policy issues on the national agenda.
The 37th annual State of the Nation was held at Parliament House, Canberra, on the 10 and 11 October 2016, with the theme, A new policy agenda: innovation, growth and the future economy.
Highlights from State of the Nation 2016
Keynote address and Q&A with Federal Shadow Treasurer, the Hon. Jason Clare
Read: Digitisation key for growing economy.
Keynote address and Q&A with Minister for the Environment and Energy, the Hon. Josh Frydenberg
Commonwealth and states need to find common ground on energy.
Keynote address and Q&A with Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, the Hon. Greg Hunt
Innovation drives productivity and better living standards.
Keynote address and Q&A with Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon. Sussan Ley
Keynote address and Q&A with Dr Martin Parkinson PSM
Global economy dependent on innovation.
Keynote address and Q&A with Federal Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Bill Shorten
Australians need to know where they fit in the future economy.
Balancing the budget: Address by Paul McClintock AO
Budget deficit still grave problem.
Working together on economic reform - State Treasurers panel
Read: Economic restraint delivering for States.
The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP, Treasurer of New South Wales
The Hon. Tom Koutsantonis MP, Treasurer of South Australia
The Hon. Tim Pallas MP, Treasurer of Victoria
Megatrends and the innovation imperative
Read: Policy must change in digital age.
Catherine Caruana-McManus, Director, Giant Ideas, Non-Executive Director, Meshed; Advisory Council Member, SMART Infrastructure Facility
Dr Nicholas Gruen, Chief Executive Officer, Lateral Economics
Dr Stefan Hajkowicz, Principal Scientist, Strategy and Foresight, Data61 | CSIRO
Thinking long-term: can industry seize the innovation opportunity?
Read: Can industry seize the innovation opportunity?
Andrew Bassat, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, SEEK
Jillian Broadbent AO, Chair, Clean Energy Finance Corporation and Chair, Swiss Re Life; Director, Woolworths
Christine Holgate, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Blackmores
Strategic choices: Australia's national innovation system
Industry and university links will drive innovation.
Bill Ferris AC, Chair, Innovation and Science Australia
Professor Margaret Gardner AO, Vice-Chancellor and President, Monash University
Dr Katherine Woodthorpe, Non-Executive Director, ARENA, Fishburners; Sirtex Medical; Capital Markets CRC; former Chief Executive, AVCAL; former Commercialisation Australia Board Member
Funding future infrastructure
Community consideration essential in funding future infrastructure.
Phil Davies, Chief Executive Officer, Infrastructure Australia
Mark Delaney, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Investment Officer, AustralianSuper
Matina Papathanasiou, Deputy Head of Global Infrastructure, QIC
Social innovation and competition in human services
Why we need competition in human services.
Bessi Graham, Co-Founder and Chief Executive, The Difference Incubator
Professor Stephen King, Commissioner, Productivity Commission and Adjunct Professor, Monash University
Rohan Mead, Group Managing Director and CEO, Australian Unity
Breaking the rules: policy disruption in the new economy
Disruption and regulation in the new economy.
Lara Olsen, Regional Manager, Business Development, Tesla Energy
David Rohrsheim, General Manager, Uber Australia and New Zealand
Andrew Walduck, Executive General Manager, Trusted eCommerce Solutions, Australia Post
State of the Nation 2015 video library
Watch videos from State of the Nation 2015 here.
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