NEW PUBLICATION: CEDA's Top 10 Speeches of 2012



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This new initiative seeks to present a collection of what we believe were the most influential and interesting speeches from the CEDA platform in 2012.


CEDA's Top 10 Speeches of 2012 is a collection of the most influential and interesting speeches from the CEDA platform in 2012. This new initiative seeks to present what we believe were the most interesting and influential speeches and presentations on the the most topical issues that reflect CEDA's charter. They are listed in chronological order below.
EProust   Women in Leadership: A chairman's perspective

Nestle Australia Ltd, Chairman, Elizabeth Proust, AO

15 February, 2012

Smartin168   The Global Financial Crisis and sovereign risk - mitigating measures and solution from down under
CEDA, Chief Executive, Professor the Hon Stephen Martin
19-20 March 2012
OEdenhofer168   Copland Lecture - Transitioning to a low emissions future: Implications for global energy systems

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Deputy Director and Chief Economist, and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Co-Chair, Professor Ottmar Edenhofer

27 March, 2012
SusanRyan   Demography is not destiny: Age discrimination and the economy

Australian Human Rights Commission, Age Discrimination Commissioner, the Hon Susan Ryan

22 May 2012
JLee168   Commentary on the White Paper - Australia in the Asian Century

Centre for International Security Studies, Michael Hintze Fellow, Adjunct Associate Professor John Lee

State of the Nation
18 June, 2012
MParkinson   Australia's place in the new global economy

Department of the Treasury, Secretary, Dr Martin Parkinson

State of the Nation
18 June, 2012
TAbbott168   Opposition's address: State of the Nation

Federal Leader of the Opposition, the Hon Tony Abbott

State of the Nation
19 June, 2012
BroadGreiner   In conversation with Infrastructure NSW's Chairman and CEO

CEDA Governor and Infrastructure NSW, Chairman, the Hon Nick Greiner AC and Infrastructure NSW, CEO, Paul Broad

3 October, 2012
MFerg168   Australia's energy transformation

Federal Minister for Resources and Energy, the Hon Martin Ferguson AM

Energy White Paper release
8 November, 2012
GStevens168   Producing prosperity

Reserve Bank of Australia Governor, Glenn Stevens

CEDA's Annual Dinner
20 November, 2012

  Watch Glenn Steven's presentation

Click here to watch on YouTube