The Economists' Corner: NBN CEO



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CEDA CEO Melinda Cilento spoke with NBN Co. CEO Stephen Rue to understand how the NBN is dealing with the increased usage during the COVID-19 crisis.

Internet usage has spiked significantly in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, as Australia looks to the internet to provide entertainment, social interactions, and facilitate their work. 

In the latest episode of CEDA's podcast, The Economists' Corner, Stephen and Melinda's conversation explores:

  • Infrastructure, network capacity, traffic and peak periods and how the network is standing up to the extra usage;
  • Daily patterns and if the network would stand up if Australia moved to Stage Four restrictions due to COVID-19;
  • Agility and responsiveness of businesses across the economy;
  • The health and wellbeing of the workforce. 

Listen to the full conversation here: