CEDA releases Top 10 Energy Speeches 2007-17



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CEDA has released a collection of speeches from 2007-17 on the CEDA stage that highlight the shifting course of policy discussions in the energy space.

Few policy issues in Australia have provoked as much discussion, or been as contentious, as energy policy.

Over the past decade, the focus of energy policy has shifted constantly, from reducing the impact of climate change to reducing costs and ensuring supply. But one theme has remained constant – the need for a long-term focus and approach.

This publication is a collated set of speeches, delivered at CEDA energy events from 2007–17, that highlight the importance and focus of evolving energy policy.

Featuring speeches from: The Hon. Ian Macfarlane, Professor Ross Garnaut AC, Dr Ziggy Switkowski AO, Professor Daniela Stehlik, the Hon. Martin Ferguson AM, Jillian Broadbent AO, Dr Michael Weinhold, Professor Paul Stevens, Tony Wood and Chloe Munro, this report explores energy policy in Australia across renewables, nuclear, shale technology as well as the Finkew Review and the Clean Energy Target.

Explore all of this content and read and download the Top 10 Speeches publication, here.