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Emissions levels have us on a cliff edge

Maintaining current rates of greenhouse gas emissions is like going over a cliff in economic and social terms and incredibly destructive, according to climate change expert Professor Mark Howden. Read more…


Empowering consumers in the new economy

The digital economy provides both enormous opportunities as well as some risks for consumers, according to panellists discussing the empowerment of consumers at CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


Ending everyday sexism

“Our sex discrimination laws and work place laws have contributed to a significant decrease in overt discriminations… But our progress has stalled and it’s time to discuss the attitudinal and systemic barriers that impede gender equality,” Human Rights Commission Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Ending the tyranny of the fax machine in clinical practice

In the background of our mission to provide great health service, we can hear the faint whirring of the fax machine and that’s a noise we need to remove, Australian Digital Health Agency Chief Executive Officer, Tim Kelsey said at the CEDA South Australia digital health event. Read more…


Energex, Ergon and Powerlink not for sale: Qld Premier

Key public energy companies will not be sold but other assets including infrastructure will be considered for privatisation, Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has told CEDA’s annual State of the State audience in Brisbane. Read more…


Energy demand to come from non-OECD countries

“Although the rate of increase is likely to slow for energy demand, a number of public and private institutions expect that global energy demand will continue to increase for the foreseeable future. Most of this growth is likely to come from non-OECD countries,” Dr Alexandra Heath has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


Energy industry is having Kodak moment

Energy companies are facing their own Kodak moment, Synergy Chief Executive Officer, Jason Waters has told a CEDA audience in Perth. Read more…


EPO NSW: Dutch disease unlikely

It is unlikely that Dutch Disease is happening in Australia and structural adjustments in the economy must occur to ensure Australia gets the full benefits of the resources boom, Reserve Bank of Australia, Deputy Governor, Dr Philip Lowe, has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Existing renewables investments will not be changed: Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane

Existing investments in renewables such as solar and wind farms will not be threatened if the Federal Government changes the renewable energy target (RET) Federal Industry Minister, the Hon. Ian Macfarlane has told a CEDA audience in Sydney . Read more…


Experience is an asset, not a liability: Ashton Applewhite, anti-ageism activist

“Longer lives require us to work longer, to save more and yet age discrimination in the workforce is rampant,” anti-ageism activist and writer Ashton Applewhite has told a CEDA audience at an event in Adelaide. Read more…
