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Have we stalled in achieving gender equality?

Workplaces will need to be more flexible and endeavour to stamp out inappropriate cultures if the momentum for gender equality is to continue, according to Eldercare Chief Executive, Jane Pickering. Read more…


Health system fails some of Australia's most vulnerable and disadvantaged

“We already have one of the best health systems in the world but it is under pressure, and it continues to fail some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged Australians,” Federal Department of Health Secretary, Martin Bowles has told a CEDA Brisbane audience. Read more…


Higher education funding at odds with skills gap shortages and future workforce requirements

Funding for the higher education sector is at odds with skills gap shortages and future workforce requirements, a CEDA audience has heard at the higher education sector review in Adelaide. Read more…


Higher education funding changes required to remain globally competitive: Universities Australia Chair

Australia's higher education sector is strong and globally competitive, but funding changes are required if the sector is to remain strong and globally competitive, James Cook University Vice Chancellor and President, and Universities Australia Chair, Professor Sandra Harding has told a CEDA forum in Adelaide . Read more…


Holistic approach needed to address inequality

“One of the biggest things that's wrong with policy is that we divide the life of people up into segments,” Jesuit Social Services Chair, Patricia Faulkner AO has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Hospitals are dangerous places to be, more home care capacity needed

Hospitals are dangerous places to be, they’re unfamiliar, you’re on drug regimes in unfamiliar places and unless you’ve got a nurse looking after you full time, you’re at risk of falling, SA Department for Health and Wellbeing CEO, Dr Chris McGowan told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


How to move from intentions to actions on gender equality?

Placing unconscious, gendered thought bias into the spotlight is one step organisations can take to achieving gender equality, according to VicHealth Leading Thinker and Harvard University Professor Iris Bohnet. Read more…


Human dignity the starting point for discussions on inequality

Fundamental ethical questions lie at the heart of questions we need to resolve around inequality, according to the Ethics Centre Executive Director, Dr Simon Longstaff AO. And, he said, the starting point for any discussion on inequality should be the basic presumption of the intrinsic dignity of every person. Read more…


Imagination and boldness essential in advancing Australia: Keating

Nostalgia for the reform politics of the 80s and 90s is not going to advance us mightily, former Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon. Paul Keating said at CEDA’s Annual Dinner. Read more…


Improved access to STEM vital for women

To help more women break into typically male dominated professions and tackle the gender pay gap, women need improved access to STEM skills, according to speakers at a CEDA WA Women in Leadership event. Read more…
