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NAB and Woodside chairman says education and innovation are vital for economic growth

National Australia Bank and Woodside Petroleum Chairman Michael Chaney has told a CEDA audience in Perth that the long election campaign has caused a “perfect storm” for consumer confidence and growth of the Australian economy. Read more…


National Cabinet at critical juncture

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) had many failings and the newly introduced National Cabinet now presents the opportunity to advance key policy issues and not follow down COAG's path, according to both the Former Premier of Victoria, the Hon. John Brumby AO and Griffith University Principal Research Fellow, Jennifer Menzies. Read more…


National electricity market broken - SA Premier calls for carbon price

The national electricity market is broken and there needs to be a price on carbon, Premier of South Australia, the Hon. Jay Weatherill, has told CEDA’s annual Economic and Political Overview in Adelaide. Read more…


NDIS opportunities extend beyond the disability sector

The NDIS is creating major business opportunities, and these opportunities extend beyond the disability sector, NDIS Chairman Bruce Bonyhady AM has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Never underestimate the power of people to demand gender equality: the Hon. Helen Coonan

“There’s a very interesting movement that’s happening, and that is the interest of shareholders in the top 200 listed companies,” former Federal Senator, Cabinet Minister and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate, and JP Morgan Advisory Council member, the Hon. Helen Coonan, said at a CEDA event in Sydney. Read more…


New plan to build circular economy for Victoria

Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, the Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio, announced details of the Victorian Government’s $300 million waste and recycling initiative, Recycling Victoria: A New Economy; a ten-year plan to transform the waste and recycling sector. Read more…


New South Wales expected to be first trillion-dollar state economy in Australia

New South Wales is expected to be the first trillion-dollar state economy in Australia, NSW Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


New technologies mean job redefinition

The change in technology and business process mean we need to redefine jobs, McKinsey Global Institute, Director and Senior Partner, Dr Jacques Bughin, has told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


Newspapers are thriving in the digital media age

Newspapers are still more popular than television and are evolving in tandem with digital media to meet consumer demands for information and entertainment, News Limited Group Director - Editorial, Campbell Reid has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


Next big thing for business is how to use CRMs effectively

Customer relationship management (CRM) systems are the biggest buzz words in industries right now, Virgin Australia Chief Commercial Officer, Judith Crompton has told a CEDA’s business and innovation event in Adelaide. Read more…
