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SPEECH: Senator Mitch Fifield

Senator Mitch Fifield presented a policy briefing a CEDA's aged care event in Melbourne on 31 March 2014. He discussed aged care, social and economic policy, red tape and reform. Read more…


Sports sector facing challenging times but still resilient

While the sports sector is facing difficult times there is adequate support and planning that will keep the industry resilient, according to Australian Olympic Committee Chief Executive Officer, Matt Carrol AM. Read more…


Start-ups are the jobs factory of our economy

Start-ups are the jobs factory of our economy, Bloom Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Mark Shelton has told a CEDA audience in Perth. Read more…


Start-ups cannot wait for government: UBER

Start-ups cannot wait for government otherwise they will take their business somewhere else, UBER Australia and New Zealand General Manager, David Rohrsheim told a CEDA audience in Brisbane. Read more…


Start-ups need to start and finish in NSW

A plan to create one million more jobs has been outlined by NSW Premier the Hon. Mike Baird at his CEDA State of the State address in Sydney. Read more…


State asset leases could generate $37b for Queensland: Premier Newman

The Newman Government will seek a mandate to lease some of the State’s water, energy and port assets at the 2015 State Election, Queensland Premier, the Hon. Campbell Newman told a CEDA audience in Brisbane . Read more…


State of the Nation: Creating our own future - South Australia Premier, the Hon. Jay Weatherill

Under the theme, old economy, new economy, South Australia Premier, the Hon. Jay Weatherill, joined State of the Nation 2015 conference to explain how SA is embracing change to increase growth opportunities for the State. Read more…


State of the Nation: Disruption is the new normal

Disruption is the new normal and Australia will need to maintain its flexibility if it is to adapt to workforce changes coming due to digital disruption, Federal Department of Finance Secretary, Jane Halton AO PSM has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


State of the Nation: Disruption is the new normal - Federal Department of Finance Secretary, Jane Ha

Disruption is the new normal and Australia will need to maintain its flexibility if it is to adapt to workforce changes coming due to digital disruption, Federal Department of Finance Secretary, Jane Halton AO PSM has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


State of the Nation: Industry must embrace future

Transformation always occurs in the economy and it must be embraced, Federal Minister for Industry and Science, the Hon. Ian Macfarlane has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…
