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We need to build skills not walls: Telstra CEO

An ongoing skilled migration policy is essential to attract and recruit the right talent and capabilities we need to transform and compete effectively on a global stage, Telstra Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Penn has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


We need to look at cost of health care in broader context: Martin Bowles PSM

We need to move past the notion of health care costs and look at them in a broader economic context, Federal Department of Health, Secretary, Martin Bowles PSM has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


We need to prepare the economy for ageing population: Federal Treasurer

Federal Treasurer of Australia, the Hon. Josh Frydenberg, told an audience in Sydney at CEDA’s 2019 Annual Dinner that we need to develop policies that respond to the pressures that the ageing population will place on our health, aged care and pension systems. Read more…


Western Australian economy growing but domestic and external challenges persist

Western Australia is facing challenging global conditions, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Amber-Jade Sanderson MLA, has told an audience in Perth at CEDA’s annual Economic and Political Overview (EPO). Read more…


Western Sydney ‘aerotropolis’ could boost economy and create jobs

The proposed Western Sydney Airport presents an opportunity to create an ‘aerotropolis’, Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure, the Hon. Paul Fletcher has told a CEDA audience in Parramatta. Read more…


What’s really going on in the global economy

“For the last four to five years the global economy has been growing at about 3.5 per cent and we are expecting continued growth of 3.5 per cent and higher with modest expansion,” Standard & Poor’s Rating Services Chief Global Economist, Dr Paul Sheard told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Where the responsibility for housing affordability lies

The Federal Treasurer seems to think most of the housing policy development should be outsourced to the states with no additional funding and yet the states should still be accountable to the commonwealth, Victorian Treasurer the Hon. Tim Pallas said at the launch of CEDA’s Housing Australia research report. Read more…


While information is everywhere, knowledge is not

The idea of a university for the future is worth contemplating, now more than ever, The University of South Australia Vice Chancellor and President, Professor David Lloyd told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Why the world has reason to watch the WA Senate election

There’s been a lot of international focus on Western Australia in recent weeks. The search for the lost Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 is being led from Perth. But it also turns out that Western Australia is garnering international attention as a result of this Saturday’s Senate re-election. Read more…


Why we need competition in human services

We need competition in human services because “too often our approach to helping people is to tell them what is good for them… rather than asking what do you need, how can we assist you,” Monash University Adjunct Professor and Productivity Commission Commissioner, Professor Stephen King has told a CEDA audience. Read more…
