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Population growth key challenge for infrastructure

Population growth and increased congestion are the challenges facing infrastructure and transport, South Australian Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, the Hon. Stephen Mullighan has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Relationship with Commonwealth has changed: SA Premier

There has been significant changes in the relationship between South Australia and the Commonwealth Government, Premier Jay Weatherill has told CEDA’s Economic and Political Overview (EPO) event in Adelaide. Read more…


Retirement income system must be transparent and consistent

Reducing the retirement gap between men and women needs to be a key focus, Federal Opposition Treasurer, the Hon. Chris Bowen has told the launch of CEDA’s research The super challenge of retirement income policy in Sydney. Read more…


SA Election: Mr Marshall’s campaign to lose?

The 2014 SA Election is a change of government election, Flinders University, School of Social and Policy Studies, Associate Professor Haydon Manning has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


SA going through exciting and disruptive economic transformation

“(South Australia) is going through a process of economic transformation that’s both disruptive and exciting…and we’re feeling the effects of rapid economic change earlier and more keenly than many other places in Australia and across the world,” SA Premier the Hon. Jay Weatherill has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


SA Government provides fresh insight into transport and infrastructure priorities

Just one week on from delivering the new SA Liberal Government’s first budget, the Hon. Stephan Knoll has said that the Government has fresh insight into priority infrastructure projects for South Australia. Read more…


SA should harness potential renewable energy industries

South Australia is sitting on a goldmine of potential renewable energy industries, Climate Change Commissioner, Professor Tim Flannery has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


South Australia must invest more in agribusiness to reap the benefits of growing Asian demand

South Australia’s agricultural sector risks missing out on the dining boom agribusiness opportunities in Asia unless it can invest more in agriculture and add value to its exports, a CEDA forum in Adelaide has heard. Read more…


South Australia needs to set its sights high: Andrew Cole, Oz Minerals

South Australia can be if we so choose, a globally recognised city, Oz Minerals Managing Director and CEO Andrew Cole has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


South Australia-India trade is a natural fit, says SA trade minister

Shared interests, including a love of cricket, language and history as a British colony makes trade relations, between India and South Australia a natural fit, the SA Trade, Industries and Veterans' Affairs Minister Martin Hamilton-Smith has told a CEDA forum in Adelaide. Read more…
