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2008 Big Issue survey results - Top 50 issues

A list of the Top 50 Big Issues as ranked by CEDA's trustees in 2008. Read more…


2007 Big Issues Survey Results

In 2007, CEDA's Big Issues project identified the top 10 issues for Australia in the minds of our members. Read more…


2007 Big Issues Survey Results - Top 100 issues

A list of the Top 100 Big Issues as ranked by CEDA's trustees in 2007. Read more…


The economic impact of Australia’s ageing population

Treasury's chief macroeconomist, Dr David Parker, argues that population ageing should drive continued efforts to promote economic openness, spending discipline, productivity and labour force participation. Read more…


Pension age: 97 years on, time for a rethink

CEDA chief executive David Byers explains the thinking behind Dr Knox's pension age proposal. Read more…


Australia in a world of high-cost energy

Dr Nicholas Gruen and Kenney Lin of Lateral Economics offer four good reasons for guarded optimism about the impact of rising oil prices, and argue that government policy can help manage the risks. Read more…


What gets measured: Contract performance on the voyage to Botany Bay

The cramped and sometimes fearsome voyages of Australia’s first European settlers can teach today’s governments valuable lessons in contracting out public services. By Gary Sturgess. Read more…


Australia and China: Risks in a good story

Australia needs to manage five key risks as it heads toward a free trade agreement with China, says former Ambassador to China Ross Garnaut. But we are better-equipped than ever before to do it. Read more…


Limited returns: Why management development isn't fully developed

Joanne Painter talks with Effectiveness of Management Development co-author Brian D’Netto about Australian management. Read more…


Lifelong learning: How to pass the test

Ways to encourage lifelong learning, from Sally Walker, Louise Rolland, Peter Noonan, John Spieirings, Varina Nissen, Ivan Deveson and Peter Laver. Read more…


Total Pages: 20