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NSW - Business Risk Management - Issues facing Australian bu

Organisations and business leaders are operating in an increasingly global business world and have a growing need to manage risks globally and locally; to anticipate risk interactions; to address interdependencies between parties; and, most importantly, to recover from disruptions faster and stronger. This requires the ability to look at the implications of risks across an enterprise, across regions and across markets from a new perspective - a resilience perspective.A resilience approach recognises the importance and value of taking a holistic, collaborative and integrated approach to risk management. It is also an acknowledgment of the diversity of risks that organisations face in a changing business environment: future energy and environmental sustainability; terrorism; and the heavy reliance businesses have on people, suppliers, systems and information.CEDA is privileged to welcome General Peter Cosgrove AC, MC (retired) to share his insights and experiences on a ne Read more…


CEDA report out today identifies 10 priority areas to drive economic growth

A new CEDA report being released today provides policy priorities across 10 key areas to ensure continued growth in the Australian economy, an issue of critical importance particularly in the current Federal Election campaign. Read more…


NSW - Women in Management Launch

The presence and status of Australian women in paid employment has improved dramatically over the last 50 years. However, the progression of professional women into positions of leadership has been slow. It is widely recognised that women remain under-represented as Chief Executives and Executive Managers across all industry sectors. The Leadership Challenge: Women in Management an independent report authored by Dr Hannah Piterman and contributed to by leading Australian organisations, recognises that committed organisational leadership is required to reap the economic and broader performance dividend that can be achieved by optimising the role of women in senior management. Read more…


CEDA report recommends ways to keep WA regional economies strong

A CEDA report released today provides five key recommendations that will help activate the economic potential of regional Western Australia and ensure a sustainable future for regional communities. Read more…


NSW - Garnaut Climate Change Review

Emissions trading is recognised around the world as an important tool for addressing the> central market failure of unpriced or uncapped greenhouse gas emissions. With the> Australian Government set to introduce an emissions trading scheme in 2010,> discussions well under way about how to make an ETS as effective as possible.> CEDA is pleased to host Professor Ross Garnaut, head of the Garnaut Climate Change> Review, to present key considerations for an effective ETS in Australia.> Commissioned by the Federal, State and Territory Governments, the Review will analyse> the costs and benefits of climate change impacts and mitigation and will> develop medium to long-term climate change policy options for Australia.> At this special event, Professor Garnaut will present his ETS discussion paper, outlining> key principles to guide the development of an emissions market, and putting forward> possible design features for an Australian scheme. The 30 minute address will be> followed by questio Read more…


CEDA report: Brexit and Trump mean opportunities for Australia lie in Asia

The rise of protectionism in countries such as the US and UK means Australia needs to focus on increasing investment in emerging markets, such as China and India, CEDA’s latest report, Outbound investment, has found. Read more…


NSW - Skills for a Globally Competitive Australia Part 1

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CEDA report: Federal Budget surplus can be achieved by 2018-19 and must be a priority

New CEDA research has shown the Federal Budget deficit can be eliminated by 2018-19 and delaying a return to surplus will penalise those under 30 unfairly. Read more…


NSW - CEDA Energy Series Part 1 - renewable energy futures

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CEDA report: Fed's revenue distribution failing to deliver for states

Increasing State Government control of revenue, targeted specifically for schools, health, public transport and roads, along with running a series of conventions across Australia to engage the public in a national conversation on reforming Australia's Federation, are key recommendations proposed in CEDA research being released today. Read more…
