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State of the Nation: Developed world has productivity problem

Australia is at the bottom of OECD countries in terms of productivity growth, University of Melbourne Professorial Research Fellow, Professor Ross Garnaut AO has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference in Canberra. Read more…


Digital Bytes - Leadership in a culture of disruption

CEDA's Digital Bytes breakfast series 2015 welcome's Reserve Bank of Australia Chief Information Officer, Sarv Girn, as he examines the strategies needed to marry traditional leadership with the more effective leadership style required in the digital economy. Read more…


State of the Nation: Disruption is the new normal

Disruption is the new normal and Australia will need to maintain its flexibility if it is to adapt to workforce changes coming due to digital disruption, Federal Department of Finance Secretary, Jane Halton AO PSM has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


Currency outlook and impacts on Australia

CEDA NSW/ACT is delighted to welcome Dr Sally Auld, Head- AU/NZ Fixed Income and FX Strategy, JP Morgan to the 2015 Trustee program. Read more…


State of the Nation: Disruption is the new normal - Federal Department of Finance Secretary, Jane Ha

Disruption is the new normal and Australia will need to maintain its flexibility if it is to adapt to workforce changes coming due to digital disruption, Federal Department of Finance Secretary, Jane Halton AO PSM has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


Addressing entrenched disadvantage

CEDA releases its first research report of 2015 with an important conversation on the economics of entrenched disadvantage and discussion on new models and ways to address entrenched disadvantage. Read more…


State of the Nation: Federal Leader of the Opposition, Anthony Albanese – we need to look after our most vulnerable people and essential workers

There’s a whole range of consequences behind poverty. We need to value our greatest asset, which is our people, and how we maximise them, Federal Leader of the Opposition the Hon. Anthony Albanese told CEDA’s State of the Nation Forum. Read more…


Australia's financial service sector-adjusting for longevity

CEDA NSW/ACT is delighted to welcome Ms Sally Loane, Chief Executive Officer, Financial Services Council to the 2015 trustee program. Read more…


State of the Nation: Industry must embrace future

Transformation always occurs in the economy and it must be embraced, Federal Minister for Industry and Science, the Hon. Ian Macfarlane has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


Women in Leadership - real gender economics

This session examines the structural reforms needed for a modern economy, labour market and workplace, to achieve gender equality across hierarchies, ensuring equal representation and pay equity for both genders. Read more…
