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Ideas, innovation & Energy - Planning for a Southern Future

CEDA's Ideas, innovation and energy: planning for a Southern future event, will showcase key leaders from across Adelaide's Southern suburbs identifying the opportunities and challenges facing their organizations. The event will lead discussion on the key issues facing local government over the next thirty years within the context of the 30 year Plan for Greater Adelaide and identify the similarities and difference when compared with other regions across the State. Read more…


National Health Reform Plan

Join CEDA as we present the Hon Nicola Roxon MP, Federal Minister for Health and Ageing to deliver a keynote address on National Health Reform, following the announcement three weeks ago of the National Health and Hospitals Reform Plan. Read more…


CEO Trustee Event: Vince Asdaji, Business Director, Dupont

CEDA is delighted to welcome Melbourne based Vince Asdaji, Business Director, Dupont to Adelaide exclusively to lead a discussion with CEDA Trustees on Dupont's success in driving business sustainability with a focus on solutions essential for a better, safer and healthier workplace and inturn community. Read more…


Economic Outlook- Local and Global Markets

CEDA is delighted to welcome Sydney based Head of HSBC's Global Banking and Markets Tony Cripps to Adelaide to present at a Trustee only breakfast session. Tony will provide an up-to-the-minute update and overview of Australian and global markets, arming you with critical information as the world emerges from the GFC. This event is available to CEDA Trustees only-contact the CEDA SA office to register Read more…


Australia's energy infrastructure

The prospect of a carbon-constrained future, the expanded Renewable Energy Target (RET) and other climate change policy mechanisms likely to be introduced in the future will not only require an unprecedented increase in Australia's use of renewable energy technologies but are also expected to herald a substantial restructuring of Australia's energy supply system. Read more…


CEDA Leaders Series - Hon Julia Gillard MP

Please contact the Adelaide Office on 8211 7222 if you would like to register for this event. CEDA welcomes back the Hon Julia Gillard MP, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Education and Minister for Industrial Relations to the CEDA lectern in Adelaide. As part of CEDA's 50th year celebrations, CEDA will showcase leaders from across business, government, academia and the broader community to lead debate and discussion on key policy issues. Read more…


SA Transport Infrastructure Review

Please contact the Adelaide Office on 8211 7222 if you would like to register for this event.CEDA's 2010 Transport Infrastructure Review with provide an update and overview of the current transport infrastructure agenda in South Australia as we move into the Rann Labor Government's third term, on the back of the biggest ever spend in infrastructure in South Australia's history. Read more…


Social Inclusion Breakfast

CEDA's 2010 Social Inclusion Breakfast presents some of Australia's most highly regarded leaders in social inclusion policy, to lead discussion and provide an overview of the current policies, programs and leadership focussed on providing opportunities for the most vulnerable members of our society to participate in the social and economic life of the community. Read more…


SA Commercial Property Overview

CEDA is delighted to welcome James Young, State Chief Executive, Colliers International at a Trustee only Luncheon to give an overview of South Australia's commercial property market. Read more…


US perspective on economic & governance challenges from GFC

CEDA welcomes Trustees to this exclusive invitation only luncheon, hosted by KPMG and in partnership with the US Studies Centre, featuring Gail D Fosler, Senior Adviser and Past President, the Conference Board (US). Gail will deliver a keynote address on what the financial crisis tells us about ourselves: A US perspective on the economic and governance challenges. Read more…
