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SA Economic Update

Join fellow Trustees as Professor Christopher Findlay, Executive Dean of the Faculty of the Professions, University of Adelaide, talks to a series of papers released by the SA Centre for Economic Studies on the SA Economy. Read more…


Leader of the Opposition Address

Join fellow CEDA trustees at this exclusive luncheon as Hon Steven Marshall MP, Liberal Leader of the Opposition, discusses his vision for SA's future prosperity. Read more…


Q & SA: Industries of the Future - focus on jobs

CEDA welcomes back Tony Jones as part of our Shaping the Future of SA ongoing series, to facilitate a critical discussion on driving jobs within the key sectors of the SA economy. Tony will be joined by key leaders from around Australia to lead a "hands on" discussion on how, when and where the jobs of the future for SA will emerge. A not to be missed special event. Read more…


Women and Leadership Series: Carolyn Hewson AO

CEDA welcomes Carolyn Hewson AO, one of Australia's most influential company directors and Raymond Spencer, Chair of the Economic Development Board to the sucessful Women and Leadership series. Read more…


International Climate Change Update

International Climate Change Update: Paris 2015 and beyondWith the United Nations Climate Change Conference meeting in Paris in early December, CEDA will lead this critical discussion on where Australia sits in terms of international climate policy. Read more…


Global networks: transforming how Australia does business

Join CEDA for the launch of our final research report for 2015, Global networks: transforming how Australia does business, for a discussion on new opportunities for Australian businesses to connect internationally as the global economy evolves. Read more…


VC panel: the role Universities will play in SA's future

CEDA welcomes the Vice-Chancellors of Adelaide, Flinders and UniSA to lead discussion on the critical role higher education will play in shaping South Australia's future. Through education, training, working with industry, and driving innovation, while not forgetting the important export focus on the State's international students, these leaders will look at the opportunities and challenges we face and their vision for our future. Read more…


SA Infrastructure series: Intelligent infrastructure

CEDA together with Siemens will lead a discussion on intelligent infrastructure - from reliable, economic and efficient power infrastructure to smart buildings to efficient traffic systems and driverless cars. The event will bring together international thought leaders, including Dr Roland Busch to provide insight on the potential productivity gains that can be delivered through intelligent infrastructure. Read more…


The business of not for profit

The business of not-for-profit: strategic perspectives in non-profit management CEDA will lead a critical discussion on the current opportunities and challenges facing the not for profit sector and what this means for non-profits across the State. Read more…


CEDA special event:Innovation Australia Chair Bill Ferris AC

This event will provide a comprehensive insight into the potential of innovation to transform our economy, and the challenges faced by government and business in adapting to this new paradigm; as well as a few hints of what the forthcoming Innovation and Science Agenda might contain. Read more…
