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CEDA Energy Series: Finkel review and the future market

At the final event in the CEDA SA Energy series, an in-depth analysis will be provided on the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market report, due for release soon.


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What does Brexit mean for us?

Join your fellow Trustees as Remo Moretta, Assistant Secretary - Europe Trade and Brexit at DFAT discusses the reasons for the referendum: why it turned out the way it did; what the legal and negotiating processes will be between the EU and UK; how long it will take; and explore the challenges and opportunites for Australia. Read more…


Mid-year economic update

CEDA welcomes Reserve Bank of Australia's Deputy Governor, Guy Debelle to the CEDA lectern in Adelaide to provide key insight into the Australian economy and understanding around the RBA's monetary policy settings. Read more…


Clean Energy Target: Dr Tim Nelson

Join your fellow Trustees for this exclusive CEDA lunch with Dr Tim Nelson, Chief Economist, AGL Energy, as he discusses his research and views on the Clean Energy Target that has split the Turnbull Government. Read more…


Australia's Ambassador to Russia: Peter Tesch

Join your fellow CEDA trustees at this boardroom briefing with Peter Tesch, Australia's Ambassador to Russia, as he discusses the challenges and opportunities that exist with Australian/Russian diplomatic relations in the current climate. Read more…


State election update

Join your fellow Trustees at this morning tea as Stephen Halliday, SA Director, Hawker Britton, and John Griffin, Managing Director (VIC) Barton Deakin, discuss the important factors that will effect the outcome of the SA state election on the 17th March 2018. Read more…


Future drivers for SA economic growth

Join your fellow trustees for this exclusive CEDA Trustee Lunch, with guest speaker the Hon. Kyam Maher, SA Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation, as he outlines the plans for the economic growth of manufacturing in South Australia. Read more…


Education to employment - are we doing enough?

The Hon. Susan Close, SA Minister for Education will be joined by a panel of community and business leaders to discuss how the community as a whole can be involved in supporting South Australia's young people to be better prepared for the world of work. Read more…


Housing Australia - research report

The intergenerational consequences of high housing costs and falling ownership will be examined in CEDA's next research report titled Housing Australia. Join CEDA members and guests, with a range of thought leaders and decision makers in the Australian housing debate. Read more…


Women and Leadership: Kate Jenkins

CEDA's Women and Leadership series is delighted to welcome Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins to the CEDA lectern. Read more…
