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Changing the landscape of gender equality

In the last decade there have been many changes in the landscape of gender equality. Join prominent thought-leader and founder of the Male Champions of Change, Liz Broderick, as she reflects on the progress, setbacks and clear areas of opportunity to create a more gender equal world. Read more…


Tasmanian State of the State

CEDA's annual State of the State event in Hobart will feature a keynote address by Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman to discuss the state's economic and productivity agenda, industry growth and government service delivery. Read more…


2016 Economic and Political Overview in Hobart

CEDA's annual Economic and Political Overview brings together state and federal commentators to provide an in-depth analysis of the environment in which business will be operating over the year ahead Read more…


Infrastructure pipeline: Insights and market opportunities

Allan Garcia will provide insight on Infrastructure Tasmania’s first prioritised infrastructure project pipeline and the market opportunities and fundamentals for Tasmania’s future infrastructure investment. Allan will be joined by local and national infrastructure leaders to discuss the infrastructure challenges and opportunities for the Tasmanian economy. Read more…


2016 State of the State

CEDA is pleased to welcome the Hon. Will Hodgman MP, Premier of Tasmania, to deliver the 2016 State of the State address in Hobart, Tasmania. Read more…


Securing skills for growth

Vocational education is a crucial component of Australia's education system and will play an important role in securing Australia's future skills needs. At this event, CEDA explores whether the system and recent reforms are delivering the right outcomes for Australia's workforce, with a view to improving accessibility, transparency, quality and efficiency. This event is a round table discussion and places are limited. Please contact Esther Greco on 0 39652 8414.

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Closing the gender gap: The WGEA 2016 scorecard

In November the Workplace Gender Equality Agency will release new findings from the the third annual gender equality scorecard. How are Australian businesses tracking on key gender equality indicators, and what works? Read more…


2017 Economic and Political Overview in Hobart

CEDA's 34th annual Economic and Political Overview will feature a keynote address by Tasmanian Treasurer, the Hon Peter Gutwein MP, as we examine the key trends, policy agendas and prospects for growth in 2016. Read more…


Australia's energy future

Join Tasmanian Energy Minister Matthew Groom for insights into opportunities and priorities for the state in Australia's energy market transition. Read more…


Growing the visitor economy

At this CEDA breakfast, join Tourism Australia's John O'Sullivan for a closer look at global and domestic trends and the outlook for the visitor economy. Read more…
