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VIC - CEDA Forum 2/TRX event

Baby Boom, Baby Bust: Can Older Workers Work Longer? Professor Philip Taylor presents at the Nous Group Read more…


VIC - Welcome Event

ransport infrastructure, its planning, funding and economic benefits is one of the key issues facing the Federal Government and the public policy agenda for 2008.The decisions made will have significant impact on Australia’s economic competitiveness as well as the liveability of cities as the Australian population continues to grow. The efficient movement of people and goods is of pressing concern. Ê CEDA, as part of its National Transport Series is looking at the national economic impact and regulatory dimensions of the current transport debate and to flesh out the key strategic factors to be considered frameworks best suited to moving forward at a national level.This is of importance to every business person as they face the challenges of rising logistics overheads and current export “bottlenecks”. We have Eric Keys and Nick Dimopoulos to address CEDA members and their guests on this important topic. Read more…


Vic- Copland Program 2008

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VIC - Transport Infrastructure - National Priorities

ransport infrastructure, its planning, funding and economic benefits is one of the key issues facing the Federal Government and the public policy agenda for 2008.The decisions made will have significant impact on Australia’s economic competitiveness as well as the liveability of cities as the Australian population continues to grow. The efficient movement of people and goods is of pressing concern. Ê CEDA, as part of its National Transport Series is looking at the national economic impact and regulatory dimensions of the current transport debate and to flesh out the key strategic factors to be considered frameworks best suited to moving forward at a national level.This is of importance to every business person as they face the challenges of rising logistics overheads and current export “bottlenecks”. We have Eric Keys and Nick Dimopoulos to address CEDA members and their guests on this important topic. Read more…



Edelman Stakeholder Study: Trust at the Crossroads in Australia • Research-based perspectives of value to Australian managers Read more…


VIC - Water Series Part 2 - Addressing Buybacks and Over-All

In 2008 CEDA continues to advance critical discussion around water policy through our Water Series. This four-part luncheon series will stimulate debate and facilitate knowledge exchange towards the development of prudent public policy to secure sustainable water for a wealthy economy and a healthy environment. In this second installment in the 2008 Water Series, Ken Matthews AO and Professor Mike Young will take on the issue of addressing over-allocation of water entitlements, discussing the challenges of buybacks and continued extraction of water. With water strain creating critical pressure points in the nation’s food bowl and beyond, our approach to the management of water allocations will have far reaching consequences for the national economy. CEDA is proud to convene this public forum to drive forward the very crucial debates which must underpin policy formation moving ahead. Read more…


VIC - Rufus Black: The New Power Brokers

The McKinsey Global Institute has published a far reaching and compelling document on the new power brokers in the global economy. This report is the product of a six month research project and builds on previous work on private equity practice and global banking practice. McKinsey will address CEDA at a breakfast on the reports’ findings.In the uncertain times ahead it’s findings will be important for corporate leaders and strategists. It provides new data and evidence on the size, investment strategies and the future direction of Petrodollar investors, Asian Central Banks, Hedge Funds and Private Equity. McKinsey will address CEDA at a breakfast on the reports’ findings.These new power brokers will shape global capital markets in the years to come and will have a significant impact on the Australian economy. Rufus Black a global partner at McKinsey will address CEDA at a breakfast on the reports’ findings. Read more…



Leadership, crisis and media Read more…


VIC - Renewable Energy Futures - Part 3

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VIC - Future Reform Imperatives for Australia

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