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2015 Economic and Political Overview in Melbourne

CEDA's annual Economic and Political Overview brings together state and federal commentators to provide an in-depth analysis of the environment in which business will be operating over the year ahead. Read more…


2015 Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040

ExxonMobil's Rob Gardner joins CEDA Trustees to discuss the issues shaping the world's energy future. Read more…


Tax Reform: Where to From Here?

Ahead of the federal government's tax white paper, CEDA invites Trustees to join Treasury's Rob Heferen to discuss the priorities for a better tax system. Read more…


Active ageing: realising the economic potential

What impact will demographic change have on the labour market, and how can the economic opportunities of an ageing workforce be realised? Join CEDA for this panel discussion on the dynamics of mature-age workforce and community participation. Read more…


Health: the productivity agenda

How productive is Australia's health care system? What opportunities are there to improve service delivery? Medibank Private's Managing Director, George Savvides will discuss the health and productivity agenda, including improvements in the delivery of primary care and role of technology, data and analytics. Read more…


The new economy: innovation and venture captial

What is the state-of-play in Australian innovation and entrepreneurship? Is the start-up ecosystem maturing, or lagging? This event will discuss the key issues and outlook for investment in venture capital and high-growth industries. Read more…


State of the arts

How is Australia's arts sector performing? How do we reflect and support the arts? Rupert Myer AM leads a discussion with Trustees on the state of the arts. This briefing is by invitation only to CEDA Trustees. Read more…


Competition Policy Review

Professor Ian Harper will give his first keynote address following the release of the final report of the Competition Policy Review. This is the first comprehensive review of Australia's competition laws and policy in over 20 years. Professor Harper will outline the final recommendations. Read more…


Keynote address by the Premier of Victoria

CEDA welcomes Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews to outline the policy priorities, investment plans and economic vision for the state. What is the progress of key policy commitments? How can infrastructure investment be accelerated to promote jobs and growth? What strategies will foster the development of new industries and maintain Victoria's economic prosperity? Read more…


Accelerated procurement for major projects

It traditionally takes a long time from government sign-off to the start of construction of big infrastructure projects. In recent years, the process has become even longer, more arduous and more expensive for everyone involved. Join Advisian's Adam Hudson to find out how an innovative procurement process for Sydney's NorthConnex might point to future solutions. Read more…
