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How unequal? Insights on inequality - CEDA research

CEDA WA’s event will explore the persistence of poverty in some regions and urban areas in our State and the impact limited access to quality technology, education, infrastructure and health services has on WA’s economy. Read more…


Cyber security - how can industry stay ahead of the game?

The 2017 ASX Cyber Health Check Report found only 43 per cent of Australian boards are confident that their company is properly secured against cyber-attacks. What more can be done to capture the opportunities while managing emerging threats? Read more…


A conversation with ABC Managing Director, Michelle Guthrie

Since taking on the role of ABC Managing Director in May 2016, Michelle Guthrie has led the national broadcaster through significant change as it meets the challenges of a rapidly changing media landscape. Michelle will share her thoughts on those challenges and the importance of the ABC both now and into the future. Read more…


Tax policy and trade wars - implications for Australia

CEDA WA is delighted to welcome the 53rd Speaker of the US House of Representatives, John Boehner, to the 2018 Trustee Program. Read more…


The China connection

This CEDA event features Australian based companies successfully trading in China and explores strategies for businesses looking to partner with or increase their engagement with China. Read more…


Healing Aboriginal futures

The government policies that created the stolen generation have had far reaching consequences. Hear from two powerful Aboriginal leaders who are making progress in remedying the effects, including transitioning the record number of Aboriginal children from state care. Read more…


Social licence to operate - the future for business

CEDA’s event brings together leading industry experts, prominent researchers and respected philanthropists to discuss the importance of businesses earning and retaining a social licence to operate. Read more…


21st century SWOT: The construction industry

CEDA welcomes Ertech Director, Gavin Miller as he provides insights into their business strategy and performance, including its leadership, growth, diversification, expansion and market entry strategies. He will also discuss the company’s future direction and broader industry trends. Read more…


A conversation with the Foreign Investment Review Board

CEDA welcomes Foreign Investment Review Board Chair, David Irvine AO, and Foreign Investment Review Board Member, the Hon. Cheryl Edwardes AM to share thoughts on Australia’s foreign investment regime, as well as reflect on issues across cyber security and critical infrastructure. Read more…


Shaping WA - aged care: consumer-centric future

The first event in the Shaping WA series will explore the consumer centric future in aged care with Federal Minister for Aged Care, the Hon. Ken Wyatt AM, as he presents the case of the changing market for aged care services and opportunities to improve service delivery and outcomes for senior Australians. Read more…
