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Melinda Cilento: we need to be ambitious about Australia's future

CEDA Chief Executive, Melinda Cilento, writes that renewing economic growth after the COVID-19 crisis will require ambitious and creative policymaking. Read more…


Addressing age bias in the workplace

We need to change the paradigm on how we think about age and generational stereotypes in the workplace, Randstad Chief Executive Officer (ANZ, South East Asia, India), Frank Ribuot, has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Growth 51: Australia's Ageing Population

The CEDA report contains in-depth analysis of the effects of demographic change by some of Australia's most senior government advisors, private sector economists, policy commentators and academics. Read more…


Prioritising social and affordable housing

Current economic conditions have increased the rate of housing stress for many and emphasised the need for more supply of social and affordable housing for vulnerable communities and key workers. Read more…


Mental health in the age of COVID-19

How can we maintain momentum for mental health reform in Australia and deal with the mental health consequences of COVID-19? PwC Director, Economics and Policy, Dr Sharon Ponniah; Strategy& Partner, Damien Angus; and PwC Partner, Stuart Babbage, write that data, integrated care, better use of technology, and a focus on the social determinants of mental health can drive meaningful reform.
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Addressing the energy elephants in the room

“I want to address the elephant in the room and that is that AGL is a public company, from time to time we will get unsolicited bids on various components of our business and potentially on the whole business,” AGL CEO and Managing Director Andy Vesey has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Growth 52: Water and the Australian economy

Australia needs to make tough policy choices if we are to balance economic, environmental and social needs. [Research and Policy article - Full content is only available to CEDA members] Read more…


Economic update

Join CEDA for the latest economic forecasts and insights into the national economy. Read more…


Migration after COVID-19 must be about recovery not retreat

CEDA Chief Economist, Jarrod Ball, and Senior Economist, Gabriela D'Souza, argue that in debating immigration after COVID-19, policymakers should consider the wealth of evidence supporting the economic benefits of a strong, well-managed immigration program. With this as a starting point, they argue Australia need to develop an immigration program that considers the rights of temporary workers and addresses skill shortages in a timely manner.  Read more…


Aged care issues set to be mainstream

Access to aged care services should be a right for older citizens the same as school is for 5-year old citizens, the 2011 Aged Care Review, convened by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) in Adelaide, has been told. Read more…
