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2019 WA Trustee Welcome Back Breakfast

At the 2019 CEDA WA Welcome Back Breakfast, Trustees will hear from Deloitte Access Economics Partner, Matt Judkins and Member for Swan Hills, Jessica Shaw as they discuss how WA has extraordinary potential and is at the tipping point of immense possibility. Read more…


2019 WA Pre-Budget briefing

CEDA is delighted to welcome Western Australian Under Treasurer, Michael Barnes, to provide CEDA Trustees with an insight into the State's economic outlook for 2019. Read more…


2019 Economic and Political Overview in Perth

With the theme of trust at the forefront of conversations in business, government and community, this event will explore the economics and importance of trust in Western Australia as part of CEDA’s annual flagship event series, the Economic and Political Overview (EPO). Read more…


A conversation with Chen Zeng, CITIC Pacific Mining

CEDA is delighted to welcome CITIC Pacific Mining CEO, Chen Zeng, for a discussion with Trustees about the Sino Iron project and the long term competitiveness of WA’s resources sector. Read more…


Responding to the health needs of rural Australia - RFDS CEO

CEDA is delighted to welcome Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia CEO, Dr Martin Laverty, to address CEDA Trustees on the required actions to service the health needs of rural Australia in 2028 and beyond. Read more…


Energy in transition

In her first CEDA WA presentation, Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) Managing Director and CEO, Audrey Zibelman will provide insight on policy priorities to transform Australia’s energy future and discuss WA’s role in managing Australia’s energy transition. Read more…


Forward thinking - cohesive infrastructure planning

CEDA is delighted to welcome Water Corporation Chair and Eco Lifestyle Villages Co-Founder, Mike Hollett, to share his learnings on the importance of long-term vision and cohesive planning in the development of local infrastructure. Read more…


Sustainable budgets: underwriting Australia's social compact

In advance of the 2019 Federal and State Budgets, CEDA’s report Sustainable budgets: underwriting Australia’s social compact outlines the long-term fiscal pressures Australian governments will be met with and makes recommendations for the Commonwealth Government to improve spending, taxes and budget discipline. Read more…


Space economy: the future for WA

CEDA is pleased to welcome key space industry leaders including Australian Space Agency Head, Dr Megan Clark AC and NASA Technical Monitor for Habitation Lead, Larry Toups as we review the space sector opportunities available for WA. Read more…


Growing our U.S partnership: priorities and opportunities

CEDA is delighted to welcome to Perth the long-awaited and recently appointed Ambassador to Australia for the United States of America, Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr to deliver his first public address in Australia. Read more…
