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2011 Big Issues Survey

The 2011 CEDA/Business Spectator survey revealed that productivity and infrastructure are the key topics the business community want Governments to focus on in 2012. Read more…

2010 State of the Nation Conference

CEDA's 31st State of the Nation conference will examine one of our country's biggest future challenges - Demographic Change. Join CEDA members from around the country to discuss and debate issues impacting Australia's future plans with federal Ministers, the Federal Opposition Leader, and leading commentators and practitioners. Read more…


Australia and global security

Dr Benjamin Zala analyses three major security challenges for Australia, the decline of US primacy, China’s transition to a global superpower and the new global nuclear order.  Read more…


CEDA Big Issues Project suggests a new Reform Agenda for Australia

CEDA's Big Issues project identifies major challenges for Australia over the next five to ten years. In its third year the concerns ranked highest were population growth, water and energy, all major long-term policy challenges for Australia and the world. Read more…


2012 Big Issues survey results

The results of CEDA and Business Spectator's 2012 Big Issues survey have revealed that ensuring Australia is positioned to take advantage from the rise of Asia and the need for continued productivity improvement are the big issues confronting business, with significant implications for the Government's agenda. Read more…


G. Edward DeSeve, Special Advisor to the US President

This event is by invitation only to CEDA Trustees Read more…


Australia and India: deeper relations are essential for business growth

This year was set to be a crucial milestone in India and Australian trade relations, with the Prime Minister's scheduled visit to India and the significant trade delegation in February. Asialink Business Associate Director, Strategy and Capability, Shiraz Engineer, writes that while COVID-19 has understandably changed our priorities, we should not lose sight of the importance of Indian Australian trade in the post-coronavirus world.  Read more…


CEDA looks ahead to 2021 after a remarkable year

It is with a genuine moment of pause that I start my last CEO update of 2020, a year that has been quite simply, extraordinary, writes CEDA CEO Melinda Cilento in the final update for 2020. Read more…


2013 Big Issues survey

Housing, manufacturing, environment and vocational education and training were recurring themes in the comments of the 2013 CEDA/Business Spectator Big Issues survey. Read more…

South East Corridor

For registration details please contact Karlena James on 02 9779 9746. Read more…
