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Improving service sector productivity: the economic imperative

CEDA released a research report in June 2017 that examines the economic consequences of Australia’s productivity performance in the service sector. This report assesses the productivity performance of the sector and discusses policies and areas that can contribute to an improvement in productivity. Read more…


Reassessing the Australian National Outlook post COVID-19

The CSIRO Australian National Outlook 2019 (ANO) mapped Australia’s prosperity to 2060, proving a compelling vision of Australia’s future. A year on, COVID-19 demonstrates that no country can escape the consequences of a viral pandemic. The effects of COVID-19 will be felt for years and cut across all prisms of life as we know it. What does Australia’s National Outlook look like now? What are the priority areas for businesses to focus on? What is the role of innovation in leading us towards our 2060 vision? Read more…


Australia gains two places in international digital competitiveness ranking

Australia has gained two places in an international ranking of 63 economies’ digital competitiveness, moving to 13 in the world. Read more…


Improving women's equality of opportunity

As part of CEDA's 2013 Women in Leadership survey, respondents were asked what would contribute most to improving women's equality in the workforce. Read more…

Rebalancing government in Australia to save our federation: Terry Moran

Federation in 1901 is now the middle point between 2014 and the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. Despite this, most views of federation, if Australians have one at all, are probably shaped by its 19th century imagery - dusty, whiskery elderly men in overly formal dress - rather than its 20th century outcomes.
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Australia has a structural budget problem: Secretary to the Treasury

“We are at a juncture where our decisions over the next few years can help shape our future for the next decade and beyond,” Secretary to the Treasury, Dr Martin Parkinson PSM, told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Industrial Relations Reform (1988)

In 1988 CEDA released a report which explored the issues around industrial relations in Australia. Read more…


NSW State of the State with Premier Berejiklian

CEDA welcomes members and guests from across the country to hear from Premier of New South Wales, the Hon. Gladys Berejiklian deliver the 2020 State of the State address. Read more…


Recover, reset, renew: Federal Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Anthony Albanese.

Following his appearance at CEDA's State of the Nation: digital forum, Federal Leader of the Opposition the Hon. Anthony Albanese shares why Australia can't snap back to where we were before the COVID-19 pandemic and instead should chart a way towards a strong economy that works for people. Read more…


Australia improves one place ranking 18, Federal election clears the way for renewed focus

Australia has climbed one place in a global ranking on the competitiveness of 63 nations released today, with our overall performance remaining largely the same for the last five years. Read more…
