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Optimising Australia's rail system for the future

Australia has the sixth largest rail network in the world. It plays a critical role connecting markets, cities and regions, and enabling valuable supply chains and Australian exports to the world. Read more…


ROI - Return on Innovation: a roadmap for collaboration

Prior to his panel discussion at State of the Nation on Innovation and collaboration: what matters and what can be done?, CSIRO Chief Executive, Dr Larry Marshall released this blog discussing the idea of ROI as Return on Innovation ahead of a new report due to be released by Australia’s national science agency, showing it delivers $6 billion in benefits each year. Read more…


Australia Post CEO optimistic about future of work despite workforce and technological challenges

Speaking at a CEDA event in Perth, Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate said that the biggest challenge of running Australia Post is thinking about the future of the workforce. Read more…


Information Paper 87: Sustainable Queensland Volume 1

Queensland is in danger of being "loved to death". Through active population management, workforce skilling and infrastructure planning, the State will ensure sustainable economic development without diminishing the enviable Queensland lifestyle. [Research and Policy article - Full content is only available to CEDA members] Read more…


Rural and remote mental health after COVID-19

Swinburne University Social Innovation Research Institute Foundation Director, Professor Jane Farmer; Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) Director of Public Health, Fergus Gardiner; RFDS Research and Projects Director, Lara Bishop; and University of Western Australia Rural Clinical School Associate Professor, Mat Coleman, discuss the ways COVID-19 has heightened the mental health gap in rural and remote areas and look at how we can scale successful community-based interventions, with the help of philanthropy, NGOs and data, to make progress. Read more…


Australia Post now a lead indicator of digital disruption

Australia Post has gone from being a leading indicator of GDP to instead the lead indicator of digital disruption, Australia Post CEO Ahmed Fahour has told a CEDA audience in Perth. Read more…


Information Paper 88: Sustainable Queensland Volume 2

The time may be right for Queensland to create more so-called "Public-Private Partnerships" (PPPs), using private sector finance, to fund infrastructure projects. To do so, they'll have to create attractive investment options to compete against stiff domestic and foreign competition for capital. Read more…


Safeguarding the future of Australian research and higher education

Group of Eight (Go8) CEO, Vicki Thomson, reflects on the importance of the higher education and research sectors to the Australian economy and the ways in which we can ensure their continued growth.  Read more…


Australia Post will start to lose money soon: State of the Nation 2014

According to a government commissioned Boston Consulting Group (BCG) report, Australia Post may start to lose money as soon as next financial year, Federal Communications Minister, the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull has told CEDA’s State of the Nation 2014 conference at Parliament House in Canberra. Read more…


Information Paper 89: Pensions for Longer Life

Despite significant increases in life expectancy, the pension age remains the same as when it was established in 1909. This Information Paper proposes a gradual rise in the pension age and abandonment of the fixed pension age strategy. [Research and Policy article - Full content is only available to CEDA members] Read more…
