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CEDA 2016 outlook report: recession unlikely, but risks remain, confidence and capex needed

Australia is unlikely to face a recession in 2016 but income weakness still poses a risk, with incomes in 2015 growing at the slowest pace since the early 1960s, according to CEDA’s 2016 Economic and Political Overview being released today. Read more…



In 2011 and 2012, CEDA released two publications as part of The Australian Water Project - a joint project by CEDA, Harvard University and UniWater (a joint venture between the University of Melbourne and Monash University). Read more…

Tourism after COVID: headwinds tailwinds and crosswinds

CEDA Chief Economist, Jarrod Ball, discusses the unique challenges facing the tourism sector. He says that while most operators in the sector face a difficult outlook, there are opportunities on the other side of the crisis for businesses that perservere.  Read more…


CEDA 2016: Year in review

2016 has been one of the most successful years in CEDA's 56 year history. Seven hundred and fifty members from Australia's leading businesses, organisations and academic institutions attended over 300 events. Read more…


Trade and supply chains: pressure points in perspective part one

In part one of CEDA's three part blog series, ​Trade and supply chains: pressure points in perspective, CEDA Chief Economist, Jarrod Ball, gives a comprehensive overview of the way the crisis has disrupted Australian trade, to inform the ongoing debate about Australia's dependence on global supply chains. Read more…


CEDA 2017 outlook: Deficit and Trump risks for Australia

The 2017 CEDA Economic and Political Overview (EPO) publication being released today highlights that political and economic uncertainty, including a significant lack of geopolitical clarity, is recalibrating traditional views on Australia’s future. Read more…


What gets measured: Contract performance on the voyage to Botany Bay

The cramped and sometimes fearsome voyages of Australia’s first European settlers can teach today’s governments valuable lessons in contracting out public services. By Gary Sturgess. Read more…


Trade and supply chains: pressure points in perspective part three

CEDA Chief Economist, Jarrod Ball, offers four key lessons Australia should take out of the COVID-19 experience to ensure our trade and supply chains bounce back better in part three of CEDA's three part series, ​Trade and supply chains: pressure points in perspective.  Read more…


CEDA 2018 report: data explosion changing Australia’s economy, policy makers urged to be on front foot

Data and analytics are transforming the global economy and the public and private sectors in Australia need to have a greater focus on the workforce, security and ethical implications, according to CEDA’s 2018 Economic and Political Overview (EPO) publication being released today. Read more…


Women in Leadership

In 2013, CEDA surveyed the business community, primarily its members and past attendees of CEDA's Women in Leadership events, to help identify barriers to equality of opportunity. Read more…