News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

CEDA research shows the growth equals prosperity message not cutting through

Just one in 20 Australians believe they have personally gained a lot from Australia’s record run of economic growth, according to a new CEDA report released today. Read more…


Strong economy the driver of social resilience: Morrison

If we want to build a socially resilient Australia we need to build and maintain a strong economy, Treasurer Scott Morrison told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference in Canberra today. Read more…


Call for new era of infrastructure reform

The outgoing CEO of Infrastructure Australia, Philip Davies, has called for a new spirit of reform in infrastructure planning. Read more…


Improved access to STEM vital for women

To help more women break into typically male dominated professions and tackle the gender pay gap, women need improved access to STEM skills, according to speakers at a CEDA WA Women in Leadership event. Read more…


Infrastructure investment centrepiece of Queensland budget: State Treasurer

When talking about our borrowings it is important to acknowledge there are costs to inaction too, Queensland State Treasurer, the Hon. Jackie Trad has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Better understanding needed on why the aged care sector matters

Addressing issues affecting the aged care sector in Australia needs to start with a rethink around why the industry matters, according to the head of a taskforce charged with developing a strategy for growing and sustaining the aged care workforce. Read more…


Influencing at a local government level

Local government is often spoken about as the closest level to the people, which is absolutely true, Townsville City Council CEO, Adele Young has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Trustmark needed to ensure ethical application of AI: Chief Scientist

A certification system or a “trustmark” is needed to send a clear signal that consumers expect ethical behavior in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI), according to Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel AO. Read more…


Business in China: formidable market but dynamics changing

China is a formidable market but the dynamics are changing rapidly, Brownes Foods, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Tony Girgis has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Defence industry investment an opportunity for reinvention of South Australia

The Federal Government’s massive investment in defence capability and industry will provide both long-term economic opportunities and challenges for South Australia, according to speakers at CEDA’s South Australian Defence Industries Overview.  Read more…


Total Pages: 84