News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Change economic policy to create more inclusive economy

We don’t capture the full potential of our female talent pool compared to many of our developed world peers, Diane Smith-Gander has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Protecting Australian living standards

The Productivity Commission’s Shifting the dial report provides a road map to higher living standards “that should be professed by all levels of government and the Australian people over many years,” Federal Treasurer, the Hon. Scott Morrison said when launching the report at a CEDA event in Canberra. Read more…


Australia is fast becoming an Asian destination

The predominant number of international visitors that will come to our country between now and the year 2020 will come from the north of us, Tourism Australia Managing Director, John O’Sullivan said at a CEDA event on tourism in Brisbane. Read more…


There's more than one way to skin a CET

Even if there isn’t a Clean Energy Target (CET) policy of any sort, decisions will still be made by investors, there’s a lot of different ways to skin this particular cat, Independent Review into the Future Security of the NEM Panel Member, Chloe Munro said at the CEDA Victoria energy event. Read more…


Co-design and co-production the future for university curriculums

Co-design and co-production between universities, the business community and students is essential in educating the future workforce, a panel has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


New technologies mean job redefinition

The change in technology and business process mean we need to redefine jobs, McKinsey Global Institute, Director and Senior Partner, Dr Jacques Bughin, has told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


Queensland export growth driven by coal, LNG and chickpeas

Queensland’s exports have broken more records, exceeding $68 billion over the year to July – an increase of 52 per cent, Queensland Premier the Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk said at the Queensland State of the State event. Read more…


State budget deficit WA’s greatest challenge

“It would be something that would dog us for our term, whether it’s one two three or four terms in office. It would dog us for that period of time because dealing with what confronted us was so extraordinary,” WA Premier, the Hon. Mark McGowan has said, referring to WA’s budget deficit, at the 2017–18 WA State Budget breakfast in Perth. Read more…


Creating an aerotropolis is an exciting moment in time

I don’t think we’ve got our head around how much the Western Sydney Airport is going to deliver, Liverpool City Council Chief Executive Officer, Kiersten Fishburn said at the CEDA NSW Western Sydney growth series event. Read more…


Ending everyday sexism

“Our sex discrimination laws and work place laws have contributed to a significant decrease in overt discriminations… But our progress has stalled and it’s time to discuss the attitudinal and systemic barriers that impede gender equality,” Human Rights Commission Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide. Read more…


Total Pages: 84