News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

SON 2017: Australia doesn’t have the choice to become protectionist

Australia does not have the choice that America may have in the short term to become protectionist, Business Council of Australia President, Grant King told a CEDA audience at State of the Nation in Canberra. Read more…


SON 2017: Higher tax rates undermine aspiration and fairness

The Turnbull Government will not agree to Labor's agenda to re-instate the deficit levy on high income earners and amendment to the Medicare Levy rise, Prime Minister the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull has told a CEDA State of the Nation audience in Canberra. Read more…


SON 2017: Is Australia's two-speed economy cause for unemployment concerns?

Australia is undergoing profound changes in the workforce; automation is making jobs obsolete, there is a decline in job quality, globalisation of tradeable jobs, under-employment, and job uncertainty in typically stable industries, University of Western Australia Centre for Regional Development Co-Director, Dr Fiona Haslam McKenzie, has told a CEDA audience in Canberra. Read more…


SON 2017: Australia need to find the industry sectors where we have a comparative advantage

We can’t be good at everything which is why we need to find the industry sectors where we have a comparative advantage, Federal Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Senator the Hon. Arthur Sinodinos has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference in Canberra. Read more…


SON 2017: Decentralise to keep more bright brains in the bush

Decentralisation creates more career opportunities for children and helps keep bright young brains in the bush, Federal Minister for Regional Development, Senator the Hon. Fiona Nash has told a CEDA State of the Nation audience in Canberra. Read more…


Systemic changes needed to right STEM gender imbalances

There has been this long debate about science and mathematics and participation rates of boys and girls, but the existing bias for more boys than girls that study physics and advanced mathematics has become more rather than less pronounced over time,” NSW Department of Education Secretary, Mark Scott AO has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


Leadership is more than just holding people's hands

Leadership through change has to be more than just holding people’s hands and saying it will be ok, Hydro Tasmania Chief Executive Officer, Stephen Davy said at CEDA Queensland event on Australia’s future leadership. Read more…


Cuts to university funding will challenge international competitiveness

Infrastructure investments and university collaboration keeps South Australia and Australia competitive and changes to funding will challenge that, Flinders University, Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Colin Stirling, has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Customer choice is key challenge for energy market

Enabling customer choice in the changing energy market will be a challenge for the next decade, AusNet Services General Manager Network Engineering, Siham Knowles said at a CEDA Victoria event on securing Australia’s energy future. Read more…


The business of age

Residential care for people with dementia is well over $1 billion a year to the Australian government, University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine, Curran Professor in Health Care of Older People, and Geriatrician, Professor Susan Kurrle has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


Total Pages: 84