News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Digital technologies set to break-down health barriers

Digital health innovations will be key in overcoming some of the challenges facing the future health system, Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon. Sussan Ley has told a CEDA audience in Canberra. Read more…


Budget restraint delivering for States

Restrained state spending resulting in budget surpluses is delivering a message to the Commonwealth that it is possible to achieve a surplus in the face of declining revenue, Treasurer for South Australia, the Hon. Tim Koutsantonis has told a CEDA audience in Canberra. Read more…


State of the Nation 2016: policy must change in digital age

The creation of new public goods built by private interests such as Google and Facebook are challenging our way of thinking about markets and policy, Lateral Economics Chief Executive Officer, Dr Nicholas Gruen has told CEDA’s opening session at the 2016 State of the Nation conference. Read more…


Australians need to know where they fit in the future economy

Leaders and policymakers need to tell Australians where they fit in the economy of the future, Federal Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Bill Shorten told a CEDA audience in Canberra. Read more…


Global economy dependent on innovation

Our success in responding to the four forces reshaping our country and the global economy – technology, demography, sustainability and shifting economic weight towards our region – rests on innovation, Federal Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary, Dr Martin Parkinson has told CEDA’s State of the Nation Conference. Read more…


Innovation drives productivity and better living standards

Innovation drives productivity and competitiveness and that’s why it is vital, Federal Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, the Hon. Greg Hunt has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


Industry and university links will drive innovation

There need to be better links between Australia’s research institutions and industry, the Strategic choices: Australia’s national innovation system panel agreed at CEDA’s State of the Nation public policy forum in Canberra. Read more…


Community consideration essential in funding future infrastructure

Infrastructure funding needs to be put into areas that benefit the community, a panel of industry leaders told a CEDA audience in Canberra at State of the Nation 2016. Read more…


Can industry seize the innovation opportunity?

Australian businesses won’t capitalise on opportunities afforded by the digital economy because boards are too short-term focused, risk averse, and businesses are failing to expand into Asia at a fast enough pace, a panel of digital innovators told a CEDA audience in Canberra. Read more…


Collaboration key to growth in mining sector

Collaboration is the key to growth in Western Australia’s mining and resources sector, METS Ignited (Mining Equipment, Technology and Services Industry Growth Centre) Chair, Elizabeth Lewis-Gray told a CEDA audience in Perth. Read more…


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