News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Harper Competition Review to promote productivity and entrepreneurship

Australia's competition policy needs a dramatic overhaul to promote productivity improvements and growth in the economy, a CEDA forum in Victoria has been told. Read more…


Australians must share the burden of productivity reform to safeguard their economic future, Productivity Commission warns

Australia must develop a culture of ongoing productivity reform rather than a crisis management philosophy if it is to build sufficient infrastructure and meet the challenges of an ageing population, Productivity Commission Chairman, Peter Harris AO has told a CEDA forum in Brisbane. Read more…


Newspapers are thriving in the digital media age

Newspapers are still more popular than television and are evolving in tandem with digital media to meet consumer demands for information and entertainment, News Limited Group Director - Editorial, Campbell Reid has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


South Australia must invest more in agribusiness to reap the benefits of growing Asian demand

South Australia’s agricultural sector risks missing out on the dining boom agribusiness opportunities in Asia unless it can invest more in agriculture and add value to its exports, a CEDA forum in Adelaide has heard. Read more…


Manufacturing Launch

Investment in skills development will be crucial for Australia to find its place in the global supply chain, Siemens CEO, Jeff Connolly has told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


Opinion: Government must invest in innovation to cut handout culture, drive new manufacturing jobs

Despite the demise of several high profile multi-nationals, manufacturing is not a dying industry in Australia. In fact, provided we focus on the right type of manufacturing and the right type of support, it will continue to be a significant contributor to our economy. Read more…


Workplace flexibility is a business solution, not burden

Workplace flexibility should be seen as a business solution rather than a burden, a CEDA Women in Leadership forum in Sydney has heard. Read more…


Polio eradication inspires hope for ending extreme poverty

The eradication of Polio in India has inspired hope that extreme poverty can be eradicated by 2030, Global Poverty Project, Global Policy and Advocacy Manager, Michael Sheldrick has told a CEDA leadership forum on Transformative ideas in the 21st Century in Perth. Read more…


Growth expected in global demand for coal: President BHP BIlliton Coal

Global demand for coal will continue to grow over the next couple of decades, with India anticipated to be the most significant source of new demand for metallurgical coal, BHP Billiton President of Coal, Dean Dalla Valle has told a CEDA audience in Brisbane. Read more…


Australia needs more entrepreneur-based innovation

Australian start-ups and entrepreneur-based innovation struggle due the country’s current regulation system and a lack of government support says Commonwealth Bank Chief Information Officer Michael Harte. Read more…


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