News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Women in Leadership: The merit myth

Waiting to be promoted on the strength of a good business case is a waste of time for women because the workplace system works against them, a CEDA Women in Leadership forum has heard. Read more…


Murray-Darling Basin plan win for SA but the hard work is not over

Securing agreement for its desired environmental water flows in the new Murray-Darling Basin Plan, “is like winning the Olympics” for South Australia but now the hard work must begin to implement the plan, a CEDA forum has heard in Adelaide. Read more…


MEDIA RELEASE: Big Issues survey results - Asian Century and productivity top of agenda

The results of CEDA and Business Spectator’s 2012 Big Issues survey have revealed that ensuring Australia is positioned to take advantage from the rise of Asia and the need for continued productivity improvement are the big issues confronting business, with significant implications for the Government’s agenda. Read more…


OPINION PIECE: Critical issues for Australian businesses

Opinion piece by CEDA, Chief Executive, Professor the Hon Stephen Martin as published via Business Spectator on 6 December, 2012. Read more…


Productivity needed on national agenda

Australia needs a national agenda around productivity to create wealth, McKinsey and Company, Managing Partner, Michael Rennie has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


Diversify WA’s economy with increased education exports

Under a Labor Government in Western Australia, the State’s economy would be diversified beyond mining to expand its $1.2 billion a year education exports, WA Opposition Leader, Mark McGowan has told a CEDA audience in Perth. Read more…


Speech by RBA, Glenn Stevens' at CEDA's Annual Dinner

Reserve Bank of Australia, Governor, Glenn Stevens addressed CEDA's Annual Dinner 2012 on Producing Prosperity. Read more…


Big Issues 2012

CEDA and Business Spectator are again undertaking the Big Issues survey, which is open now. This year the survey focuses on productivity, innovation and R&D, government priorities and Australia in the Asian Century. Read more…


CEDA Media Release: CEDA report: State government ownership driving up electricity prices

CEDA’s latest research being released today has found that state governments should divest their ownership of energy network service provision assets to help curb further electricity price rises for households. Read more…


Energy White Paper calls for all to embrace reform

Launching the Federal Government’s Energy White Paper, Minister for Resources, Energy and Tourism, Martin Ferguson told a CEDA audience in Melbourne that Australian governments at all levels must embrace key energy reforms to improve regulatory efficiency, stimulate market competition and minimise price pressures. Read more…


Total Pages: 84