News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Australia slips from 9 to 15 in world competitiveness rankings

Australia has slipped in the world competitiveness rankings for 2012 with significant drops in our labour market and international trade competitiveness rankings. Read more…


International expert delivers climate policy perspective

The renaissance of coal is the most important economic and environmental problem in the 21st century, an International climate policy expert visiting Australia to deliver CEDA’s 2012 Sir Douglas Copland Lecture has told event attendees. Read more…


Queensland to become world’s third largest LNG exporter

Gas is experiencing an unprecedented growth period and will continue to play a significant role in meeting growing global energy demand, Santos - Gladstone LNG Project, President, Mark Macfarlane told a recent CEDA audience in Brisbane. Read more…


Slowing down the economy dangerous WA Treasurer

The next eight months will be critical for ensuring we have the right policies in place to allow our economy to continue performing well in the long-term, WA Treasurer and Attorney-General, Christian Porter told the CEDA WA EPO attendees. Read more…


Time for a game changer for Australia’s productivity

“It is essential that we have a policy environment that can enable Australia to reach its productivity potential,” Productivity Commission, Chairman, Gary Banks AO has told a CEDA audience in Sydney. Read more…


Improvements in rail means better productivity for Australia

Improvements in rail will assist Australia’s productivity, competitiveness and performance, a CEDA audience has heard in Melbourne. Read more…


Women in leadership - not just a women’s issue

South Australia’s CEOs will need to take charge of removing roadblocks that prevent women from participating fully in the workforce to address skills shortages and boost their bottom line, a CEDA forum in Adelaide has heard. Read more…


CEO commitment required to resolve gender diversity

CEOs need to commit to dealing with gender diversity in tangible ways for progress to be made Nestle Australia Ltd, Chairman, Elizabeth Proust AO told a CEDA audience in Brisbane. Read more…


COAG reforms will improve Australia’s productivity

Reforms will assist in improving productivity by “saving money, driving the economy, and by widening opportunities for people to live and earn a living in this country”, COAG Reform Council, Chairman, Paul McClintock AO told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


Investment required in retention and completion of higher education

A stronger focus on investment in retention and completion of higher education is required, Education Base Funding Review Chair, Dr Jane Lormax-Smith told a CEDA forum in Adelaide. Read more…


Total Pages: 84