News from CEDA events


Total Pages: 84

Positive outcomes and communication are key to rebuilding public trust in government

“The real challenge for politics is reconnecting with the community” and working against the growing sense among the public that “politicians are simply there to occupy the crease,” Victorian Treasurer, the Hon. Tim Pallas has told CEDA’s State of the Nation. Read more…


Romilly Madew looks at the challenges and opportunities shaping our nation  

Infrastructure Australia is taking a forward-looking view at challenges and opportunities shaping our nation through a national infrastructure audit, including a focus on regional, rural and remote Australia, Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive, Romilly Madew, said at CEDA’s State of the Nation conference. Read more…


Cause to be hopeful about Australia's long-term future

A panel of leaders from the government, business and the community sectors at CEDA’s State of the Nation discussed the challenges facing Australia, including economic uncertainty, inequality, and climate change, and the reasons for optimism moving forward. Read more…


Industrial relations important to Australian economy

New discussion papers on the adequacy of the existing penalty framework and criminal sanctions for exploitative workplaces; and the length of greenfields enterprise agreements, were the focus of a speech by Attorney-General for Australia and Federal Minister for Industrial Relations, the Hon. Christian Porter on day one of CEDA’s state of the Nation Conference. Read more…


Could we ever put a dollar figure on the value of a happy life?

Putting a price tag on human life may appear insensitive but it is also practical… some would say necessary… and it has been done for centuries by businesses, governments, public authorities, courts and insurers, Beyond Blue Chair and former Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon. Julia Gillard AC, told CEDA’s State of the Nation audience. Read more…


NBN and new digital technologies to shape Australia’s future productivity and economic growth

Improving productivity growth is a key priority for the Morrison Government, with the NBN rollout a key part of that, Federal Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts, the Hon. Paul Fletcher has said in an address at CEDA’s State of the Nation conference in Canberra. Read more…


Jim Chalmers: our economic challenges are primarily homegrown

The economic challenges Australia is currently facing are primarily homegrown challenges, Shadow Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers told a CEDA State of the Nation audience in Parliament House, Canberra. Read more…


The future of the workforce is already here

Speaking on the topic of job security in the future, Workskil Australia Chief Executive Officer, Nicole Dwyer, told an audience at CEDA’s State of the Nation that “disruption in the workforce is well and truly here and is already a major issue in Australia.” Read more…


Rapid change and opportunities in the future National Energy Market

The Australian energy market is undergoing a period of unprecedented change, a CEDA audience has heard at an energy review event in Sydney. Read more…


Solving the hydrogen problem: chicken or egg?

One of the things keeping me up at night is the chicken and egg problem with hydrogen, Chief Scientist of Australia, Dr Alan Finkel AO told a CEDA audience in Melbourne. Read more…


Total Pages: 84