CEDA's 2017 policy priorities included housing affordability and the services sector as well as Australia's place in the world. 

Outbound investment

CEDA released a research report in April 2017 that examines Australia’s outbound investment. The report assesses whether Australia has the right institutional setting to support an outbound focus for business, and discuss case studies of successful foreign investments by Australian businesses.

This report seeks to examine: 

  • The current state of play of Australia’s outbound investment and historic flows of investment;
  • Whether Australia has the right institutional settings to support an outbound focus for business;
  • The need for Australian businesses to invest throughout the logistics and distribution chains when seeking export opportunities in Asia;
  • If Australia’s tax system supports outbound investment; and
  • Case studies of successful foreign investments by Australian businesses.

Read more about Outbound investment.

Improving service sector productivity: the economic imperative

CEDA released a research report in June 2017 that examined the economic consequences of Australia’s productivity performance in the services sector. This report assesses the productivity performance of the sector and discuss policies and areas that can contribute to an improvement in the productivity of services. In analysing this issue, CEDA aims to assess the role of the services sector by seeking to answer the following questions:

  • What is the industry's productivity scorecard?
  • How does Australia's performance compare internationally?
  • What are the impediments and drivers of productivity growth?
  • Where are there productivity gains to be made?
  • What is the importance of services to exports?

Read more about Improving service sector productivity: the economic imperative.

Housing Australia

CEDA released a research report in August 2017 that examines the issue of housing in Australia.

  • The implications of the current monetary policy regime and other government policies such as negative gearing on house prices and housing affordability. 
  • Affordable housing –  assessing various models for the provision of affordable housing such as social housing and the National Rental Affordability Scheme. 
  • Intergenerational inequity – the implication of lower home ownership rates among younger Australians, rising wealth inequality, renting implications and rental affordability standards.
  • Housing in the regions.

Read more about Housing Australia.

Australia's place in the world

CEDA released a research report in November 2017 which considers the economic effects felt in Australia from policy decisions which emerge from geopolitical events.

Do political events in Europe, military tensions in Asia, and policies pursued by the Trump administration herald a structural change in the global policy environment?

Are the norms, standards and institutions that Australia relies on to maintain global relations under challenge?

This research will consider the implications for Australia from these actual and potential global shifts,

  • in trade and investment, security; and
  • in governance and institutions.

The central question is what we need to change.

Read more about Australia's place in the world.