Australian trade and the Pacific basin outlook


In January 1985, CEDA released a report which examined trade potential as a resource, and in particular, trade within the Asia Pacific region.

Strategic Issues Forum: Australian trade and the Pacific basin outlook

At the time, Australian trade had been experiencing remarkable economic growth. The report concluded that for economic growth in the region to be maintained, trade growth had to be ensured through a more active prosecution of Western Pacific interest in multilateral trade negotiations, with bilateral trade plans being urgent priorities.


Summary Page 1
1. Growth in the Asia Pacific region Page 3
2. Australia's Pacific trade connection Page 6
3. Export trade Page 10
     (a) Japan Page 10
     (b) South Korea and Taiwan Page 15
     (c) China Page 17
     (d) South East Asia Page 17
4. Import trade Page 21
5. The composition of Australia's trade policy Page 23
6. Australia's trade policy Page 29
7. Tariffs Page 36
8. Incentives Page 41
9. Australia's new initiatives in the Asia Pacific community Page 46
10. Australia's new overall export strategy Page 54


Read the summary and pages 46-53 of Australian trade and the Pacific basin outlook


Other recent CEDA research