Video snapshots: Australia's Energy Options


Watch video snapshots from CEDA's Australia's Energy Options research series, including renewables and efficiency, unconventional energy, electricity prices. CEDA's major research project for 2011-2012, Australia's Energy Options, explored a range of issues in the energy space.

Australia's Energy Options

Policy choice not economic inevitability

In this video CEDA, Chief Executive, Professor the Hon Stephen Martin discusses CEDA's research series, Australia's Energy Options, and the final report in the series; Policy choice not economic inevitability.

Renewables and efficiency

Energy policy

In this video Grattan Institute, Program Director, Energy, Tony Wood and CEDA, Chief Executive, Professor the Hon Stephen Martin outline issues with Australia's current energy policies and what is needed going forward.

Investment uncertainties

In this video two of the report contributors, Grattan Institute, Program Director, Energy, Tony Wood, AATSE, Principal, Niche Tasks and Fellow, Professor John Burgess and CEDA, Chief Executive, Professor the Hon Stephen Martin discuss the issue of investment uncertainty in the deployment of renewable energy technologies.

Australia's Unconventional Options

CEDA's perspective

In this video CEDA, Chief Executive, Professor the Hon Stephen Martin discusses why CEDA examined Australia's unconventional energy options and outlines the report recommendations.

Challenges and opportunities

In this video report contributor, Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics, Executive Director and Chief Economist, Professor Quentin Grafton discusses the economic challenges and opportunities for unconventional gas production in Australia, both domestically and globally, and it's potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing higher emission energy sources.

Water management

In this video report contributor, Stamford University, Program Leader, Comparative Ground Water Law and Policy Program, Rebecca Nelson analyses ground water management issues associated with unconventional energy, particularly coal seam gas, and identifies gaps in regulation and policy in Australia.

Additional chapter

Electricity price rises in the National Electricity Market

In this video Carbon Market Economics (CME), Director, Bruce Mountain discusses his contribution to CEDA's Australian Energy Options research series; Electricity price rises in the National Electricity Market.

Other recent CEDA research