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CEDA Media Release: Australia drops to ninth in global competitiveness

Increased labour costs on the back of the mining boom and natural disasters, coupled with other countries recovering from the Global Financial Crisis, have all contributed to Australia slipping to ninth place in global competitiveness according to the latest survey of 59 countries released today. Read more…


CEDA media release: CEDA puts the forgotten issues of climate policy back on the agenda

A research paper highlighting key flaws with the current climate policy options has been released today by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA). Read more…


COP26 - The insider's view

The United Nations COP 26 summit has been hailed as a make-or-break moment for the international community to determine the future state of the planet.  Read more…


CEDA Media Release: CEDA report: State government ownership driving up electricity prices

CEDA’s latest research being released today has found that state governments should divest their ownership of energy network service provision assets to help curb further electricity price rises for households. Read more…


Pandemic to endemic: Proofing against future pandemics

With much of the nation having experienced a COVID reset, the second event in CEDA’s Pandemic to endemic series questions how we future-proof ourselves and our children against further pandemics and what to expect as we learn to live with COVID-19.
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CEDA media release: State of the nation assessment to start tomorrow in Canberra

A major two day conference starting in Canberra tomorrow will bring together government, business and academia to discuss and debate the big issues impacting on Australia’s economy. Read more…


CEDA Media Release: Strong demand in Asia boosts Australia’s global competitiveness

Strong demand from Asia has boosted Australia’s position in the world's most comprehensive and long-running competitiveness study. Read more…


Mental Health: implementing reforms and improving outcomes

The final event in CEDA’s 2021 Mental Health series clarifies the implications of announced reforms and record investments in the sector, and considers the practical way forward for those delivering services as the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan is finalised. Read more…


CEDA Media Release: Water reform needed now to avoid mistakes of the drought

A new CEDA draft discussion paper released today, Crisis and opportunity: Lessons of Australian water reform aims to drive debate around water reform to ensure we learn from the mistakes of the devastating drought from 1996 to 2009. Read more…


CEDA national poll: Australians don’t feel they have benefited from record economic growth

A major national poll has shown that the majority of Australians do not feel they have personally gained or don’t know if they have gained from Australia’s record run of economic growth. Read more…
