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CEDA Coronavirus update: a message from the CEO

We face unprecedented change as a result of COVID-19 and I am writing today to share an update on what is happening across CEDA’s program and to provide information on how you can continue to access our discussions and research on critical issues at this uncertain time. Read more…


Is Australia's big infrastructure spend delivering value?

How can Australia get better value out of its infrastructure spend and how can we better coordinate and collaborate to maximise our talent pool and minimise cost blowout, time delays and community dissatisfaction?  Read more…


Youth poverty in COVID-19 Australia

The Smith Family Head of Research and Advocacy, Anne Hampshire, discusses the ways in which the COVID-19 crisis has impacted the 1.2 million young Australians living in poverty and argues that the pandemic presents a chance to address the root causes of youth disadvantage. Read more…


CEDA Coronavirus update: a message from the CEO

We face unprecedented change as a result of COVID-19 and I am writing today to share an update on what is happening across CEDA’s program and to provide information on how you can continue to access our discussions and research on critical issues at this uncertain time. Read more…


CEDA EPO report: 2020 response to short term shocks must be matched by policy action on long term problems

2020 is the year the short term must meet the long term in Australia’s policy focus as we grapple with the immediate impacts of the bush fire crisis, floods and Coronavirus while longer term challenges are catching up with us, CEDA CEO Melinda Cilento said. Read more…


CEDA housing report: Is it time to let go of the great Australian dream?

Housing affordability issues are likely to persist in some capital cities and could have longer term economic implications for Australia, while the issue of land supply needs greater focus, according to CEDA’s latest report, Housing Australia. Read more…


RBA update: Innovation and dynamism in a post-pandemic world

Join CEDA for an update from Reserve Bank Assistant Governor (Economics), Luci Ellis on how setting the policy framework to allow for innovation and dynamism will be key to securing Australia’s economic future. Read more…


CEDA launches latest research, Disrupting disadvantage: setting the scene

One in six Australian children live in income poverty, CEDA Chief Economist, Jarrod Ball, has told a CEDA audience in Sydney at the New South Wales launch of CEDA’s latest research, Disrupting disadvantage: setting the scene. Read more…


CEDA launches the Prize for Excellence in Economics and Public Policy

To engage the brightest minds in the search for the best policy ideas, and to celebrate its 50th anniversary, CEDA has launched the annual Prize for Excellence in Economics and Public Policy. Read more…


Our evolving banking sector | Matt Comyn and Anna Bligh

CEDA is delighted to welcome Commonwealth Bank’s Matt Comyn and the Australian Bankers’ Association’s Anna Bligh to explore the banking sector, now and in the future. Read more…
