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Australia’s labour market in a time of pandemic

CEDA will examine how particular groups of workers are faring and the longer term implications on our skills and apprenticeships system, superannuation and the participation of older and younger workers in the labour market. Read more…’s-labour-market-in-a-time-of-pandemic

Women in Leadership ACT: Improving diversity and equality

CEDA returns to Australia's capital for an inclusive and exclusive discussion on the importance of increasing gender diversity in enhancing business productivity and overcoming gender stereotypes in the country's quest for workplace equality. Read more…


Banking Royal Commission – what it means for customer-owned banks

The aftermath of the Hayne Royal Commission suggests customer-owned banks have a unique position in a competitive landscape, RACQ Bank Chief Executive Officer, Michelle Bagnall explains. Read more…


Genuine and considered debate on population needed

Changes to Australia’s population, and how it is managed, impacts on living standards of all Australians and that is why we need a genuine and considered debate on population, rather than a myopic xenophobic discussion centred on immigration and boat people. Read more…


Australian results: World Competitiveness Yearbook (2013)

In 2013, Australia moved further down the world competitiveness rankings from 15 to 16. The World Competitiveness Yearbook surveys 60 countries on over 300 individual criteria rankings grouped into four competitiveness factors. Read more…


Canberra's light rail future - The Hon. Simon Corbell MLA

CEDA's latest ACT discussion will feature the Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Capital Metro, the Hon. Simon Corbell MLA who will detail Canberra's light rail future and the benefits to the community. Read more…


Blockchain: How to approach a proof of concept

There's a lot of hype around Blockchain technology and its potential impact on business and society. In this blog, Ian Renwood examines the impact of Blockchain and what organisations should bear in mind when looking to apply Blockchain technology to their industry.  Read more…


Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games: Biggest Australian event next decade

“The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games will be the biggest event Australia will see in the next decade,” Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation, Chairman, Nigel Chamier OAM, has told a CEDA audience on the Gold Coast. Read more…


Australian trade and supply chains

CEDA is examining the implications for Australia’s security of supply for goods now and into the future and outlining how Australia should respond to emerging trends, including implications for trade and industry policy. Read more…


2016 ACT Trustee Welcome Back lunch

CEDA NSW/ACT is delighted to invite trustees to join us for this complimentary lunch event to launch our 2016 event program. Read more…
