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Australia's ageing population: how are we preparing?

In January 1991, CEDA explored what could be done to ensure adequate and financially sustainable preparations were in place to meet the demands of an ageing population. Read more…


Women in the future workforce: Impacts, trends and drivers

CEDA returns to Australia's capital for a discussion on the challenges and opportunities for women in the future workforce and the implications on gender inequality and the gender pay gap in the future workforce. Read more…


Budget 2015: A tick for stimulus and a question mark for capacity building

Following the 2015 Federal Budget, Professor Beth Webster discusses economic stimulus for Australia's innovation system.
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Handbrake on SA economy must be released

Government must reduce the cost base of the South Australian economy to kick start it after it stalled in the last two quarters of 2012, State Opposition Leader Steven Marshall has told a CEDA forum in Adelaide. Read more…


Australia's Brisbane Summit challenge: Securing G20's future

CEDA's research report, Australia's Brisbane Summit challenge: Securing G20's future was released on 19 August 2014. The report examines the role, effectiveness and processes associated with the G20, specifically looking at the issues of international governance, financial regulation and taxation regulation. Read more…


Global Economic Outlook with Dr Paul Sheard, Canberra

CEDA is pleased to welcome New York-based economist Dr Paul Sheard who, in his exclusive address to CEDA members and guests, will bring a truly international view on the global economy. Read more…


Budget 2015: Early intervention key to addressing disadvantage

The Smith Family CEO, Lisa O'Brien and The Smith Family Head of Advocacy and Research, Anne Hampshire discuss early intervention, disadvantage and government policy to coincide with the launch of CEDA's research Addressing entrenched disadvantage in Australia.
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Higher education - don’t mention the revolution

When Labor was last in Opposition Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard spoke passionately and, at least based on the 2007 election results, convincingly about their vision for an education revolution. A closer examination of what was to be the vanguard of the revolution revealed a much narrower agenda about skills enhancement, vocational and school education. By Professor the Hon Stephen Martin. Read more…


Australia's Brisbane Summit challenge: Securing G20's future

CEDA's research report, Australia's Brisbane Summit challenge: Securing G20's future was released on 19 August 2014. The report examines the role, effectiveness and processes associated with the G20, specifically looking at the issues of international governance, financial regulation and taxation regulation. Read more…


State of the Nation 2016

State of the Nation is Australia's premier public policy discussion forum, bringing together decision makers and leaders from government, business, industry and community organisations for an intensive, day-and-a-half of presentations and discussions on Australia's future prosperity. Read more…
