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Women in Leadership

This briefing is invitation only to CEDA trustees.Trustees are senior leaders nominated by CEDA member organisations. Invitations to CEDA Trustee boardroom briefings are a valued benefit of CEDA membership. For more information please contact Crystal Hamstead, Ph: 02 9779 9747 Read more…


SON 2017: Australia doesn’t have the choice to become protectionist

Australia does not have the choice that America may have in the short term to become protectionist, Business Council of Australia President, Grant King told a CEDA audience at State of the Nation in Canberra. Read more…


Transport Series: Increasing network efficiencies

Online registration has closed. For registration information please contact Karlena James on 02 9779 9746. Read more…


SON 2017: Australia facing energy trilemma

If we don’t get energy policy right in this country we will be hurting our international competitiveness and we will be hurting our households even more, Federal Minister for the Environment and Energy, the Hon. Josh Frydenberg has told a CEDA audience in Canberra at State of the Nation 2017. Read more…


Exemplary leadership in Australian boardrooms:key to success

This briefing is invitation only to CEDA trustees. Trustees are senior leaders nominated by CEDA member organisations. Invitations to CEDA Trustee boardroom briefings are a valued benefit of CEDA membership. For more information please contact Crystal Hamstead, Ph: 02 9779 9747 Read more…


SON 2017: Australia need to find the industry sectors where we have a comparative advantage

We can’t be good at everything which is why we need to find the industry sectors where we have a comparative advantage, Federal Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Senator the Hon. Arthur Sinodinos has told CEDA’s State of the Nation conference in Canberra. Read more…


Australia's Brisbane Summit challenge: Securing G20's future

Online registration has closed. For registration information please contact Karlena James on 02 9779 9746. Read more…


SON 2017: Decentralise to keep more bright brains in the bush

Decentralisation creates more career opportunities for children and helps keep bright young brains in the bush, Federal Minister for Regional Development, Senator the Hon. Fiona Nash has told a CEDA State of the Nation audience in Canberra. Read more…


Australia as a tourist destination in the Asia Pacific

Registration has now closed. For registration information please contact Melissa Burgo on 02 9779 9752. Read more…


SON 2017: Higher tax rates undermine aspiration and fairness

The Turnbull Government will not agree to Labor's agenda to re-instate the deficit levy on high income earners and amendment to the Medicare Levy rise, Prime Minister the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull has told a CEDA State of the Nation audience in Canberra. Read more…
