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Annual Newcastle and Hunter Economic Development Forum

Online registration has closed. For registration information please contact Karlena James on 02 9779 9746. Read more…


SON 2017: Is Australia's two-speed economy cause for unemployment concerns?

Australia is undergoing profound changes in the workforce; automation is making jobs obsolete, there is a decline in job quality, globalisation of tradeable jobs, under-employment, and job uncertainty in typically stable industries, University of Western Australia Centre for Regional Development Co-Director, Dr Fiona Haslam McKenzie, has told a CEDA audience in Canberra. Read more…


Australia's energy future

Online registration has closed. For registration information please contact Karlena James on 02 9779 9746. Read more…


SON 2017: Opportunities aplenty in our future industries

Australia is a world leader in some areas of defence technology, and that’s where we should focus, not building whole ships or submarines for export, Federal Department of Defence Chief Defence Scientist and Head, Defence Science and Technology Group, Dr Alex Zelinsky has told CEDA’s State of Nation conference in Canberra. Read more…


Australia Adjusting - Prosperity blueprint for Australia

For registration information please contact Melissa Burgo on 02 9779 9752. Read more…


SON 2017: Putting fairness into tax system

We have loopholes and concession in our tax system utilised by the fortunate few which puts much more burden on the pay-as-you-go taxpayer, distorting the housing market and making budget repair more difficult, Federal Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Bill Shorten has told a CEDA audience at State of the Nation in Canberra. Read more…


The news cycle and its effect on policy messaging

Online registration has closed. For registration information please contact Karlena James on 02 9779 9746 . Read more…


SON 2017: There is an investment strike in the national electricity market

There is an investment strike in the national electricity market, South Australian Treasurer the Hon. Tom Koutsantonis has told CEDA’s State of the Nation Conference in Canberra. Read more…


Women in Leadership Part 3 - Stepping up as leaders

The male champions of change are committed to engaging with all leaders. Please consider gender balance when registering colleagues or inviting guests onto corporate tables. We are striving for a 50/50 representation at this event to ensure a high impact and inclusive conversation. For registration information please contact Melissa Burgo on 02 9779 9752. Read more…


SON 2017: Using the NDIS as a political play thing is revolting

Using the NDIS as a political play thing is revolting, The Australian Greens Spokesperson for Finance and Trade, Youth, Schools, Early Childhood Education and Care, Arts, Education, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has told a CEDA audience at State of the Nation in Canberra. Read more…
