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Medicare Benefits Schedule Review

Earlier this year the Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley announced a review of the Medicare Benefits Schedule, as part of the Government's Healthier Medicare Initiative. Join CEDA for insights into the Review's process, priority items, evidence gathering and consultation, and discuss the MBS's vision for affordable universal access to best practice health services. Read more…


Health policy: Reducing the impact of chronic disease

The burden of chronic disease in Australia threatens to overwhelm the health budget, the capacity of health services and the health workforce. Much of that burden is preventable through effective, evidence-based changes to policy. In this discussion, health policy leader Rosemary Calder AM will explore systemic approaches to reduce the impact and incidence of chronic disease. Read more…


Keynote address by the Chair of Infrastructure Victoria

This month the Victorian Government announced the inaugural board of Infrastructure Victoria, and its Chair Jim Miller. CEDA welcomes Mr Miller for a special keynote address to outline the vision for the state's infrastructure development. Read more…


Closing the gender income gap

Women are far more likely to move in and out of the workforce, get paid less on average than their male counterparts and, as a consequence, superannuation savings for women are approximately half of those of men. How can we address this issue by changing our business practices, retirement income policy and social norms? Read more…


Trustee Welcome Back

CEDA trustees, governors, supporters and distinguished guests come together to launch CEDA's upcoming 2016 program in Victoria and Tasmania. Read more…


Gas markets: Policy and investment outlook

This event welcomes gas market stakeholders, industry representatives and policy-makers to discuss commercial and policy developments in Australia's east coast gas markets. Read more…


2016 Economic and Political Overview in Melbourne

CEDA's 34th annual Economic and Political Overview will feature keynote address by Victorian Treasurer, the Hon Tim Pallas MP. The Treasurer will be joined by senior business leaders and prominent experts to examine the key trends, policy agendas and prospects for growth in 2016. Read more…


Australia's innovation agenda: A university perspective

The recently announced National Innovation and Science Agenda has refocused attention on the direction of Australia's innovation system. But will these new initiatives and funding deliver the systematic improvements needed to boost Australia's record in commercialising new ideas and technologies? Read more…


Innovation and the provision of government services

Marie Johnson, Head of Technology at NDIS, and Gary Sterrenberg, Chief Information Officer at the Department of Human Services will share their strategy and vision for the future of social service delivery. Read more…


Optimising Victoria's water network

Minister Lisa Neville will outline the development of the state government's water policy and the framework for optimising the state's water grid to deliver better economic, social and environmental outcomes for the community Read more…
