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Urban planning: Revitalising regional cities

Peter Dorling from the newly created Geelong Authority will discuss the way forward for Geelong's urban revitalisation plan and strategies to attract investment to central Geelong. Read more…


Keynote economic address: NAB CEO Andrew Thorburn

National Australia Bank Chief Executive Andrew Thorburn will deliver a keynote address on the foundations for growth in the Australian economy, and the leadership of business and government in our future prosperity. Read more…


From deficit to balance: Budget repair options

At this event, leading economists and public finance experts will discuss options for repairing Australia's public finances and the path back to surplus. Read more…


National disability reform: Address by Bruce Bonyhady AM

CEDA is pleased to welcome the acknowledged leader and thinker behind the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bruce Bonyhady AM to discuss the implementation of one of Australia's largest and most significant reforms. Read more…


Investing for social impact: 2016 Investor Survey

Attitudes and perspectives around investment and wealth are shifting; major social and environmental challenges of our time need solutions. CEDA welcomes Fabienne Michaux, Australian Country Head of Standard & Poor's Rating Services and Chair of the Market Building Working Group of the Australian Advisory Board on Impact Investing. Read more…


Health: How do we design our future healthcare system?

Australian health policy is shifting towards the promotion of patient-centred care. But are we as patient-centred as we think we are? CEDA welcomes the recently appointed Chair of Better Care Victoria Dr Doug Travis and Royal Women's Hospital CEO Sue Matthews for this timely discussion. Read more…


Addressing family violence: Response to the Royal Commission

The Royal Commission into Family Violence will soon provide its report and recommendations to the government. CEDA welcomes Victorian Minister Fiona Richardson to discuss the report and the government's strategic response to addressing this important issue. Read more…


Behavioural insights: Dr David Halpern

To discuss the behavioural insights approach, CEDA is pleased to welcome international thought-leader and expert Dr David Halpern. Dr Halpern will share how VicHealth, together with the Behavioural Insights Team, have been testing new solutions to address the complex challenge of obesity.

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Melbourne Metro: Unlocking value from city shaping projects

Melbourne Metro Authority's Evan Tattersall will provide insights into the development of the Melbourne Metro project, followed by a panel of urban thought-leaders to explore how this project can be a catalyst for renewal in high potential inner-urban precincts, and contribute to the city's productivity, connectivity and liveability. Read more…


Regional economic development for the new economy

How can regional communities capitalise on their strengths and opportunities in a dynamic and highly competitive global economy? We explore the new and emerging thinking about regional economic growth, and the strategic considerations for government, industry, education and community sectors. Read more…
