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WA's media landscape - a conversation with the editor

CEDA is delighted to welcome recently appointed West Australian Newspapers Editor, Anthony De Ceglie, to share his insights into WA’s current media landscape and how he sees the future of news. Read more…


Future of work: boomers to generation alpha

What will your job look like five or 10 years from now? What are the industries and sectors undergoing the most radical transformation? Who are the companies preparing for incoming generations of Z and alpha plus the transitioning boomer? Read more…


Infrastructure in Australia: setting the WA agenda

CEDA WA welcomes Infrastructure Australia Chief Executive Officer, Romilly Madew AO joined by Infrastructure WA Chairman John Langoulant AO as they set the agenda on delivering better outcomes for people across transport, energy, telecommunications, water and social infrastructure in WA and across Australia. Read more…


A sustainable state and city: long term vision

As major projects roll-out and Western Australia continues to grow, long term plans for infrastructure and transport are balanced against community expectations around sustainability and liveability. Read more…


WA annual resources overview: collaboration in the sector

Hear from significant players in WA’s resources sector as they provide insights into current innovation and knowledge-sharing opportunities that will drive a vision for future success and long-term growth in the sector. Read more…


Views from the regulator: Doing the right thing

ASIC Deputy Chair and former Productivity Commission Deputy Chair, Karen Chester will share what the Financial Services Royal Commission means for fair markets and fearless regulators. Read more…


Fixing truth: how do we do it and what's stopping us?

CEDA is delighted to welcome former Premier of Western Australia, Professor Geoff Gallop AC, and State Library CEO, Margaret Allen PSM, to lead a discussion with CEDA Trustees on trust and truth in the present day. Read more…


Think nickel: the Nickel West journey and view to the future

Nickel West, Western Australia’s largest producer of nickel, will give CEDA Trustees a first-hand account of its journey so far, as well as its future vision, as an employer of more than 3500 people and a major contributor to the WA economy. Read more…


Temporary migration, population and the WA workforce

With an economy heavily influenced by the resource sector and restrictions on temporary migration for foreign workers, is Western Australia about to be impacted by another skills shortage? Read more…


Education and training for the future of WA's workforce

How can the education system adapt to changing industry workforce needs and embrace the opportunities needed to help sustain and grow the WA economy? This event will explore the transformation of the education and training sector, ensuring it is ready for the future of work. Read more…
