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The Modern Manufacturing Strategy: it is all in the execution

Swinburne University of Technology, Centre for Transformative Innovation Director and Pro Vice Chancellor for Research Impact and Policy, Professor Beth Webster, says that the Federal Government's recently launched Modern Manufacturing Strategy shows a great deal of promise, but it will need to be implemented in a collaborative and research-backed way that takes lessons from the mistakes of the past. Read more…


The CEDA road back to full employment (1994)

In February 1994, CEDA released a policy statement, The CEDA road back to full employment, which examined the policy settings needed to ensure that economic growth translates into concrete work opportunities for all. Read more…


The more things change the more they stay the same: Professor the Hon. Stephen Martin

Whenever a report or inquiry into Australia's financial system is announced or released, I am struck by an almighty sense of deja vu. And so it is with David Murray's interim report tabled this week.
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Budget deficit still a grave problem

Six months on from the release of CEDA’s Deficit to balance: budget repair options, Budget deficit remains a grave problem, CEDA National Chairman Paul McClintock AO has told the State of the Nation conference. Read more…


The contribution of monopoly network service providers to electricity price rises in the NEM (2012)

Bruce Mountain, Director, Carbon Market Economics (CME) examines the outcomes, reasons and possible solutions to the price rises in the National Electricity Market. Released November 2012. Read more…


Budget optimistic about Queensland's future

The 2015 Queensland Budget "delivers on debt reduction - the first budget in 16 years to reduce government sector debt across the forward estimates, saving $1.35 billion on interest payments," Queensland Treasurer the Hon. Curtis Pitt has told a CEDA audience during his State Budget address in Brisbane. Read more…


The economic collapse we did not have to have

CEDA's Research Director Dr Michael Porter explores the foundations of global finance and some of the reasons behind the global financial crisis. Read more…


The paradox of the Budget

The COVID-19 recession means we need reform now more than ever, but the Federal Budget shows it has also made this reform more difficult, writes KPMG Global Head of Tax and Legal David Linke.
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Budget restraint delivering for States

Restrained state spending resulting in budget surpluses is delivering a message to the Commonwealth that it is possible to achieve a surplus in the face of declining revenue, Treasurer for South Australia, the Hon. Tim Koutsantonis has told a CEDA audience in Canberra. Read more…


The economic impact of Australia’s ageing population

Treasury's chief macroeconomist, Dr David Parker, argues that population ageing should drive continued efforts to promote economic openness, spending discipline, productivity and labour force participation. Read more…
