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The place for co-ops in our economic recovery

Following the announcement of the Federal Government's Modern Manufacturing Strategy, Business Council of Co-Operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) CEO, Melina Morrison, writes that the co-op model can help deliver the innovation and growth that Australia needs by allowing SMEs to more safely scale and invest in research and development.  Read more…


Business as usual approach to future of work not an option

The nature of the future of work is changing; where we work, the way we work, what we will do for work and the standard of living that the work will provide, Queensland Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills, the Hon. Shannon Fentiman, told a CEDA audience in Brisbane. Read more…


The Economics of Climate Change

CEDA's 2014 policy perspective, The Economics of Climate Change, examines the economic impact of climate change for Australia. The report explains how Australia's economy will be exposed if we don't effectively manage climate change risks. Read more…


The power of proximity – Australia’s next wave of global engagement in the Asian Century

A story of how by some crucial breakthroughs, Australia has replaced the tyranny of distance with the power of proximity.
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Business best placed to lead economic growth: Glenn Stevens

Business is best placed to lead Australia's economic growth as governments look to strengthen their balance sheets and households manage high debt to income ratios, Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Governor, Glenn Stevens has told a CEDA forum in Adelaide. Read more…


The Economics of Climate Change

CEDA's 2014 policy perspective,The Economics of Climate Change, examines the economic impact of climate change for Australia. The report explains how Australia's economy will be exposed if we don't effectively manage climate change risks. Read more…


Productivity priorities post-pandemic

Join Productivity Commissioner Michael Brennan to discuss how Australia might ‘build back better’ from the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of productivity growth. Read more…


The Prime Minister’s four options for the timing of the next federal election

The Prime Minister has four options for the timing of the next federal election according to Ashley Midalia. In this blog piece, Mr Midalia examines these options and concludes that May 2019 is the most likely time for us to head to the polls.  Read more…


Business in China: formidable market but dynamics changing

China is a formidable market but the dynamics are changing rapidly, Brownes Foods, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Tony Girgis has told a CEDA audience. Read more…


The Effectiveness of Management Development in Australia

CEDA-backed research reveals companies are getting limited returns from management development programs Read more…